Phone call scene with Ghostface and Manny

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Fade In:

[On an evening night, a sliver of light is seen, outside an apartment, next to the neon lit streets of the bustling metropolis of Atlanta. Emerging from the light is the ever bold and auspicious Manny who is seen to complete, a riveting mystery novel. When a faint bell sound, alarms him, he moves to answer the door, but not without looking at a dark colored cabinet in his minimally organized and cozy room. Moments after pulling the drawer, he extends his hand to reach his phone, but not before, he receives an unknown call from a mysterious individual.]

Ghostface: Hello, Manny. 

Manny: Great. Some stranger with a penchant for making creepy calls at night. I find it, oddly entertaining though, so let us continue the charade. I will have to give you a pseudonym though, so we can do away with the formalities. Curt Duncan would be my pick. 

Ghostface: The killer from the 1979 slasher film, When A Stranger Calls. Great reference. I can already say this. I think you might be my favorite callee, yet. [laughs]

Manny: ...or victim, Mr. Ghostface?

Ghostface: [laughs] I see. I am not startled that you know, the one and only.

Manny: Look, I understand that you are here to kill me, but let me say this, the rules have changed. I know what tropes are invoked. Call me a skeptic, but I think your approach to murder is coming from a cliched perspective.  

[Manny grins as he tries to manipulate the killer, with some success in the beginning]

Manny: Even, in the event, that you finalize your decision to kill me, I think you are far above that. I mean, why not break, new ground? Why don't you be a creator of your own Scream movie, where you participate in the killings as an actor, director and player? You could hire a filmmaker, who will capture the footage of your kills and edit it into a horror mockumentary film. Something like the 2006 film, Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon.

Ghostface: Huh. Interesting. I love your idea. Mind if I share it with my colleagues tonight. I would love to see their reactions of your idea, right after I am done, stabbing you in the face, several times.

Manny: What? That is seriously messed up.

Ghostface: Oh, now, we are getting somewhere. Time for us to play a little game, Manny. If you don't answer this question right, I will kill you. If you do answer the question right, I will still kill you.

Manny: I will be killed, no matter what decision, I make. It is a no-win situation.

[Manny is disconcerted by the killer's attempts to murder him. He tries to move to the living room but is met with a deafening silence, when the living door is wide open. In automatic haste, he grabs a golf club and arms himself, before quickly approaching and closing the door.

Ghostface: You thought, you had everything under control [laughs]. Guess, it sucks to be manipulated huh?

Manny: Listen asshole, you are a bastardized abomination who thought the world, wronged him. So, you thought that by committing murders, it would be a personal catharsis of sorts? Sorry to break your delusional state of mind, but I am going to survive whatever you have planned for me, tonight. 

Ghostface: That is one hell of a display, Manny. If you keep it up, you might outlive some of the final boys from the franchise.

Manny: That information is completely comforting to know at all [sarcastic].

Ghostface: Well, if there is a Dewey, there is a way.  


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