Chapter 33

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Chapter 33- Nathan's POV 

I heard Edward's voice boom throughout the whole room as he yelled, "Are you freaking kidding me?" He waited for me to answer, but when I didn't, he continued. 

"Are you trying to drive me crazy? We talked about this yesterday!" 

I didn't say anything as I shut the door. Many people had already heard too much with the door open. If Edward thought that his conversation with Ella hadn't been eavesdropped by myself, he was mistaken. And I hadn't been the only one to eavesdrop on it. Someone else was, like always. The same someone for whom I had to pretend that I didn't know what Edward was talking about. And this someone was listening in now, because I made eye contact as I closed the door. 

"Whoa, you don't have to shout Edward. I can hear you perfectly well in your normal voice." I placed my artwork on his desk and moved closer to them, glancing at Ella, who was looking helpless. 

"What am I supposed to do? You're saying that you don't know what we're talking about when I know you do!" Edward ran his hands through his hair, leaving it looking in a very unattractive way. Honestly, I don't know what Ella saw in him. Thank goodness they broke up. 

Edward sighed and walked over to his desk, lifting a tin box which I recognised immediately. I inhaled and moved closer to Ella, next to her desk. I raised an eyebrow at her, but she wasn't smiling. She looked worried. 

"You didn't know that I knew about you two, did you?" I asked her. 

She shook her head. "No. I never told anyone. Only John knew... but he found out on his own." 

I chuckled. "What is up with you and Mr John Abbott, anyway?" I asked, addressing him by his full name, to clarify that he too is a teacher, not just Edward. "You don't even have him for English, how come you know him so well?" 

Ella didn't answer because Edward had arrived next to me and was glaring at me like I had been the one to do something to him, and not his friend. I shrugged. "What?" I asked. 

"Leave him out of this," he said, still frowning. "Here's a reminder of what you forgot." He motioned to the box which he was now opening. I mentally groaned. I didn't need a reminder. I hadn't forgotten, obviously. Edward handed me the notes and photos and waited for me to react, drumming his fingers on the desk. I pretended to examine the photos, knowing that both Ella and Edward were watching.  

"Oh, right," I mumbled, then lifted my eyes to meet Edward's. "Of course I remember these, what did you think I am, dumb?" 

Drama classes in grade seven are becoming useful now. 

"Could've fooled me," I heard Edward mutter. 

Ella spoke up. "So, do you remember who you thought was sending them?" 

I took a deep breath. Yes, I did remember. But I couldn't say. "Oh no, it was such a bad assumption that I couldn't possibly tell you guys. I'd just be putting a bad name on the person. When I thought about it, I realised how stupid I'd been to at least think it." 

Very stupid, in fact. Especially the day I decided that I had gotten tired of hating on Edward, and decided to try being friends with him again. Because it didn't work out. Without even knowing or intending to, he got me in trouble. 

"Can you at least tell me?" Edward said. 

"We'd be able to at least narrow down one suspect," Ella added. Honestly, these two are perfect for each other. They even finish each other's sentences. I had picked Ella by coincidence to be the one who was to drive Edward crazy as a plan for revenge, but the two of them had appararently fallen for each other and were good together. Why did they even break up? I'd have to ask Ella about that later...the reason why she had suddenly ended up with John, who wasn't bad, but seriously, another teacher? 

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