Thirty Four: For Her Happiness

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❁ Kimberly Wales ❁

I woke up the next morning, doing my usual morning routine and hearing the *Ding* sound from my iPhone,

TroyMilton: Good morning, friend. :)

I smiled, knowing he thought of me when he woke up, but calling me a friend..

It doesn't feel as awesome as I thought.

dontbotherme: Good morning, friend. :)

I shut close my phone and wore a simple, violet, sleeveless, strapped dress with matching white belt. Wearing my open toed sandals.

I cut my nails the week before, so that I wouldn't be dealing with dirty, long, toenails.

I fluffed my short, curly hair and took my blowdryer to dry it.

I decided not to do much makeup and slipped on lipgloss.

I look fine with or without makeup anyways.

I slung my satchel on my shoulder, while slinging a rucksack filled with extra clothes for cheerleading practice on the other free shoulder.

I went downstairs and mom is cooking.

I tiptoed silently but the keychains on my rucksack jingled vigorously making mom turn to me.

I groaned in frustration and hesitantly sat on the counter in the dining hall.

"No escape from me this time, young lady." Mom eyed.

"Since when did you become so.. observant." I grumbled.

"Well, I just became one because of you always escaping to the door before trying my newly made concoctions." Mom glowered.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to miss out your yummy cooking." I apologized, sarcastically, of course.

"That was rude. But I experimented on making breakfast fried rice." Mom happily replied, placing a bowlful of rice on my plate.

It looks.. well, appetizing.

It's very colorful to be exact, but I don't know how she did this.

The rice has streaks of green, yellow, bits of orange and pink squares and thin strips of brown shreddings.

I stared at it for a minute, then to her.

"Err.. the green and yellow streaks of the rice are.. well, flavoring.. the green one is lime flavoring while the yellow one is lemon and I decided to mix it with food coloring--"

"You put flavorings and food color on the white rice?" I interrupted.

"Err.. yeah. But I tasted it and it's good! I swear."

"You always tell me your food tastes nice." I replied.

"But I swear, this is different. Just give it a chance.." Mom pleaded.

"Alright." I sighed, knowing I am putting my own life in danger.

I took a spoonful of the colorful rice, with the colorful bits and brown shreddings.

I bet the brown thing is probably, wood.

Okay, I'm exaggerating and so I ate it--

My mom's eyes glistened and was waiting in anticipation for my answer.

"It's good." I replied.


"Yes. It really is." I smiled.

It is good, I swear.

"That is so cool. I'll write that in my inventions recipe book." Mom excitedly said.

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