Deaf Kid

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((Left, vi, middle, Mel, right Alfie))
Deaf Kid. That's my name in Spain. Obviously in Spanish. I know five languages; English - obviously needed for American schooling, Spanish - because that's where I was born, Spanish Sign Language - to communicate, American Sign Language - to communicate now; and French. French was random. I didn't learn it because I particularly like it. I just learnt it because who knows when I'll need it. I have two sisters, Violetta and Melania; which people mistake for trumps wife but Melania's name is how it looks. Mel-a-niya, my sisters are 16 year old twins and I'm a protective older brother. It's natural.
They both have long brown hair and nice full lips and they are pretty so obviously if they grab attention, the person is getting an interrogation. Me? I don't get partners. Before you say something, I'm not a fuckboy but I don't for two reasons, one being that nobody wants me and two being that I don't trust anyone with anything going on in my life. I don't even trust my mom, my dad or my sisters. I don't like talking about dad too much though. He's in the military. But enough about my life in the past, that's all past. Now I look forward to my future. The future of the deaf kid. I put my hearing aids in to enjoy the chit chat of downstairs while mom curses in Spanish at the toaster and vi and Mel fight over who has rabies in Spanish. Again.
"I seriously think you have rabies!" Vi shouts at Mel. "You always listen to one direction."
"Well I think you have rabies because you're always stealing from me!" Mel replies.
I walk in.
"I think you both have rabies because it's all you talk about."
My house is random but ever since they found out that rabies made people act mental, they've both 'had rabies' ever since.
"Thank the lord someone is normal this morning." Mom says, kissing my head.
"Gracias mama." I smile.
Vi and Mel sit at the table, vi fiddling with her earring and Mel is lacing up Her high tops. The thing about vi and Mel are that they're completely different. Mel is more of a tomboy and she's into girls where as vi is a girly girl that's into guys but they get along pretty well. I get along with them both. Me and Mel actually talk about girls together. We never go along with them. Mel is scared of sexuality judgement and me, I'm scared of betrayal. It's kinda inevitable with love. Eventually I'll have to fall. I want kids. I want a life. A wife.
"Are you scared Alfie?" Mel says.
"Not really. I speak no evil. I hear no evil as I can't but I definitely see evil and I'm used to it. What's the worse that could happen today?"
"Right Alfredo. As you know, me and your sisters are off on a trip to the nationals science fair for their project to be displayed to everyone in America. We'll be gone for about 5 days okay. No parties. I will get Mrs Robinson to make sure. No having people over either." Mom says.
I nod. I'm used to the procedure. Mom'd be at a business meeting and vi and Mel would be at a friend's house as mom doesn't trust them alone. Whereas me, I'm good. I'm trusted.
"Right Kiddywinks, I think you should go to school." Mom smiles.
I nod and kiss her cheek.
"See ya mom." I smile.
"See ya Alfredo. Vi. Mel." She says as they kiss her goodbye too.
I walk to my car.
"Get in then." I smile.
"Shotgun!" Mel shouts.
"I'm taking front." Vi says. "What do you mean shotgun."
"Shotgun means you get the front seat and she said shotgun before you." I smirk.
Vi gets in the back and folds her arms. I get in the front and Mel does. Mel presses the radio so you could hear the soft hum of Ed Sheeran in the car.
"Alf. Check her out." Mel says, pointing at a blonde.
"Not really my usual type but she's hot." I say.
"Erghhhh you guys make me seriously vom." Vi says. She points at a football player. "Now he's hot."
"V... sorry to tell you this but I'm a lesbian. I don't find guys hot. But he's not terrible looking."
I shrug. Fair answer. Eventually we roll up at school, I pick up my flask from my cup holder.
"Let's go." I smile.
I walk into school saying my goodbye to vi and Mel and run my hands through my hair. Please don't stutter today. Please don't stutter today. I hold my stutter in because I hate it. I don't want to hear it. I keep my head down and avoid all eye contact. I go and find my new locker and start to stick posters up of my favourite musicians. I wrote songs myself. I place my guitar in my locker and some books. I hang up my coat and put my phone in my back pocket. I look at myself. I looked like a piece of shit. My white tee sorta clung to my stomach so you could see my abs but I felt self conscious still. Lucky I had my brown jacket with sheepskin lining. I got it from topman. I look at my social butterfly sister vi who's already made friends and i look at Mel who's doing exactly the same as me but a girl is next to her and they're exchanging a little convo. I slam my locker and someone was there.
"Ya new?" She smiled, obnoxiously chomping some chewing gum, making a loud clack.
"Yes I'm n-new to the area."
"You should check out the aquarium. My dad own it." She winks and walks off.
Her opinion will probably change soon so I ignore it.
I sit on the bleachers watching the football players play football.
"You!" The coach yells at me.
I nod.
"You're Auditioning next." He says.
"What? I?" I say.
"Yes you. You're new. You can probably play."
"I used to play lacrosse I guess." I sigh. I didn't want to be a football player. Too much attention.
"Exactly. Easy." Coach says. He throws me a ball.
"Show me what you can do with the ball."
He gets shocked when I lay on my back until I juggle three balls with my feet.
"What the hell!" He says. I get on my feet. "No juggling."
I look at him confused so I do a back handspring holding the ball.
"You should of joined cheerleading." The coach laughs sending the whole team in uproar. Maybe I should. Prove them wrong. I can do sports. I will do sports.
I run off, close to tears. I run through the corridor, my embarrassment fades. Suddenly I lose my footing and I fall, bumping straight into the one person I was worn about. The Regina-George-got-10x-hotter girl. Grace Miller. I knew it was her. The school bully. Because of how she was described by others before I got here. She looked like the pics I got sent and she was hot. But then she was a bitch. I'm as confused as you.
"Well well well, if it's not the new boy." She smirks.

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