Skid Mark

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"Hi." I say, pretty scared.
"So what's your name?" She says.
"Alfie. Alfie Blake." I reply.
"You're not James Bond. I'm Grace Miller." She smirks. "And I'm gonna make your life hell."
Vi walks past, smiling at me. She joins up with some bubbly girls.
"Well, n-nice to meet you. I'll be gone now." I say.
"Don't forget my name." Grace says.
I couldn't forget if I tried. She was so pretty.
I walk off, keeping my head down, walking into my first lesson of the day. History. I was preparing myself for an hour of torture when coming towards me, a figure stands.
"Alfie, I'm Mr Mark but all the children call me skid so I'm guessing that's a cool nickname. I'm your teacher for this semester. My forte is history over geography unlike mrs pellet so be grateful you are in this class."
"Skiddddddd Mark!" A student parades in.
"Hello Jonny Jr. take a seat. The new seating plan is on the board. He looks at me.
"Unlucky kid." He says. I look at the board. Grace Miller. Next to the name Alfie Blake. I wasn't looking forward to this at all.
"Grace is a smart student and I think Alfie will benefit from her being there."
"Yeah, if he doesn't fuck her first." Jonny Jr says, rolling his eyes.
"Wouldn't dream of it." I say.
"Sureee that's what they all say Alfie."
He sits at his seat.
The class files in, except Grace. Ten minutes later she walks in class.
"Hey hoes!" She says.
"You're late." Skid says.
"Skiddie you're a cool teacher. You wouldn't punish me." She says.
Skid mark shrugs and she sits in her chair. I sit in my chair and put my head on my desk. I take out my hearing aids discreetly so not even grace could tell and put them in my pocket. I had already passed this GCSE in Spain. I was going to be great at this. I closed my eyes a lil bit. I wasn't gonna sleep but I had time to pass.
After a while, grace pokes me.
"Skid asked you a question." I read on her lips.
"Sorry what was it?" I look at Mr Mark.
"Well, it was why did Henry the 8th get rid of Anne Boleyn?" Skid says. Being deaf, I've grown great at reading lips.
"Well it's cos everyone accused her of being a witch because she had an extra finger." I shrug.
People look at me.
"He's smart." I see someone say.
"No. He's just revising." Skid says.
Truth was, I wasn't smart. I just remember stuff. Spanish GCSEs wasn't applicable in the states. So for now I'm just recapping.
Grace looks at some girls that I noticed Violetta was talking to earlier. She started talking to them so I just wrote some songs.

Graces POV
That Alfie kid was so strange. I didn't like him. Luckily when I talked to Emilia and Lucy, his gaze diverted to a book.
"Hey girlies." I said.
"Hey." Emilia says.
"Hi." Lucy says. "Did you know that Violetta girl, I think she should be in our friendship group?"
"Fuck off Luce. You don't know shit. It's..." I nod my head towards Alfie, not caring if he notices, "sister."
"I think he's cute. Hot." Emilia says.
Alfie's gaze didn't even move from his stupid book. Almost as if he didn't hear her.
"Well you can have him." I say, applying liquid lipstick and accidentally on purpose pushing Alfie.
"Did you s-say something?" He says, turning and facing me.
"No. Forget it." I say, slapping my lips together.
Em smiles at him. He smiles a bit. I look at Emilia's book.
"Em you're so dumb." I say.
"No she's not." Alfie smiles. "Just copy my notes."
He pulls out a book from his bag.
"Huh?" Em says, looking through his book.
"Why's this all written in Spanish?" I say. His notes was thorough as I could speak Spanish.
"I'm Spanish." He smiles. "What do you need. I'll translate."
Uh freakkkk.
"Uhhh what was Henry the eighths date of death, and to whom he was married to?" Em asked.
Alfie finds it in his book and replies with a smile.
"So why are you here? If you're Spanish, shouldn't you be in Spain?" I say.
"Uh I have reasons to be here." Alfie says. He turns to Emilia.
"What then?" I say.
He doesn't respond.
I roll my eyes.
"Hey, Alfie, you should come to Grace's party at her brothers house!" Emilia says.
"Did your brother let you?" He looks at me.
I nod.
"Yes as long as it could be a joint party. But you probably won't meet him." I say.

Alfie's POV
Grace Miller asked me to a party. And all I could say was is it allowed. I'm tragic. The bell goes.
"Right so I'll come pick you up. Toodles." Grace says, kissing a sheet of paper, making a red kiss mark. It was her number with hearts all over it. I'm guessing she thought guys go crazy over this but Alfie Blake doesn't get girls. Not at all.
I walk to the corridor.
I see someone stamping on a boys hearing aid and furiated, I run up to them, picking up the boys hearing aids and pushing them.
"H-hey! Leave him alone." I say. They leave rolling there eyes and I look up at him.
"It's fine. I've got your back." I Sign to him and he smiles the widest smile ever. I pass him his hearing aids and smile. Then he was gone. It was if I imagined it all but I knew that guy was real. It just reminded me of something in the past.

"Isaac," I pull the arm of my deaf friend as if to say don't cross. He puts his glasses on his nose and frowns. Violetta skips over to us and hugs Isaac. She was Happy. I looked at Isaac and he smiled at me.
Later that day, Isaac was ran over. The police said it was a freak accident but Isaac died. His brother survived. That's the last we've heard of Isaac Andrews. His funeral was unbearable so we didn't fly to go and his family haven't been on social media since as far as I'm aware.
(End of flashback)
I walk home pretty shook by the flashback I had. I didn't realise how much I missed Isaac. I think vi misses him too. She uses her feet to paint a lot which is what Isaac suggested because of vi's flexibility. She's also the most accurate shooter in the country archery but she does everything with her feet though. Like she walks to her room on her hands.
I get into a long sleeve striped tee and skinny jeans. I wear a long coat and my mom looks at me.
"Alfredo, where you going?" She asks.
"To a party.. with grace Miller." I say.
"Ooh is she nice?" Mom asks. I nod.
I wait on the front and grace pulls in.
"Hey there stranger. Miss me?" She says, her voice laced with the urge and desire for chaos. Oh dear. What have I gotten myself into?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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