Chapter 3

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Clothes were strung all over Skyla's room in her attempt to find something to wear to the movies. She stood in front of her full length mirror eyeing her favorite NOTW t-shirt and dark blue jeans. She wore minimal makeup and her hair was in a high ponytail. Is this going to be good enough for Joel? Ugh I don't know. I need help. She thought to herself.

She picked up her phone and sent Chris a text. Ok, I need your help.

His reply was almost instant, almost as if he was expecting her text. Which in reality he probably was. What's up?

Skyla look a selfie in the mirror and sent it to Chris. Does this look ok? Should I dress up more? Or am I over dressed? Should I wear more makeup too? Or is it all too much?!! Ugh HELP!!

Chris: No you look great. Stop worrying about it. You are just going to the movies lol

Skyla: ugh I know but this is my first ever date. I want him to like me.

Chris: Sky, if he only likes you for how you look then he's a jerk who doesn't deserve you. Honestly I think you'd be better off going as a hobo and seeing if he still wants to be with you lol

Sky shakes he head at the hobo remark. Not gonna happen Chris lol but thanks for the confidence boost...i think (laughing emoji)

Chris: Anytime (grinning emoji) but seriously just dress like you normally would if we were going to see a movie because that's just you. And if he doesn't like what he sees then clearly he is not the one for you...

After seeing Chris's text Skyla looked up at herself in the mirror again and realized Chris was right. This was who she was and if Joel didn't like it then he wasn't the one. Thanks Chris. You're the best. Wish you were coming so I won't be so nervous.

She set her phone on her bed and walked over to grab her jacket off the hook on the back of her bedroom door. Just then the door bell rang. She ran to her phone and looked down to check the time. 6:28 "Oh Dear Lord it's Joel!" She said to herself. Knowing her mom would get the door she ran to get her Converse jumping over her bed like the dukes of hazard and hurriedly tied them.

"Skyla! Joel is here!" Called her mom up the stairs.

"Coming!" She called down as she finished tying her shoes and grabbed her phone. Checking one last time in the mirror to make sure she looked ok she started down the stairs. Her phone vibrated just then. Her eyes landed on Chris's text. Me a third wheel?! No way! You guys go have fun without me. Text me if you need me. Love ya. Have fun!

Chris set his phone down on the table next to his Bible and bowed his head.

"God keep Skyla safe tonight. Father guide both her and Joel to do what's right in your eyes. Protect their hearts and minds. Father, if this is your will for them make it known to them quickly. And if it's not Lord open their eyes to see your truth. Keep Skyla from getting a broken heart. I'd hate to see her hurt. All these things I pray in Jesus' name amen."

Knowing Skyla was safe in God's hands Chris picked up his Bible and began to study the Word. Taking it in bit by bit relishing in the revelation.


Skyla took the last step grinning from ear to ear at Chris' text and walked right into Joel.

"Hello to you too." Joel laughed as he reached out to steady her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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