Chapter 8 The Cliff

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Elsa's Pov:

As I was in the bathroom, I crawled into the courner of the bathtub and cried in my knees. Why was I so stupid, I trusted Jack and went and betrayed me like that. I mean, they did say that he was a player and a cheater, but I didn't belive any of it. I really did love him.

I walked over to by window in the bathroom, and saw Jack running to my house. H-he came for me? No he's a cheater. I loved him, and now he's gone. Nothings mattersanymore, I feel so alone in this. I just want it all to end, all my pain to dissapear. And I started to look for the one thing that could help me get out of here.............the magic snowglobe that Jack gave me. Once I found it the snowglobe, I left a note for them on the mirror. And I wispered the name The North Mountain and I appeared there. 'Finally, I can be all alone'. I thought.

Jack's Pov:

Finally Abe. the door is opened. We walked in there and surched the rather large bathroom. But when we'd looked everywhere, Elsa was knowwhere to be found.

"Are you sure Anna, that there's no other way out?" I asked.

"I'm sure, the only door is this one and the window is to small to climb out of." Anna told me.

"Gies, I think you might wanna look at this." Allora said pointing to the mirror. On it was a suiside note from Elsa, it said that she had nothing else to live for and that he already picked his girl. Everyone including Anna and Punzie fell to the ground crying, I also wanted to cry to but I had to be strong.

"Quit your crying, she's not dead yet." Allora said.

"Well if she's not dead, then where is she?" I asked. There was a short silence.

"I think I might know." Anna said aloud.

"Where." All of us asked.

"The North Mountain, she always goes there to clear her mind." She told us.

Elsa's Pov:

As I walked closer to the edge, my fears in life were starting to dissapear. I wasn't afraid of jumping, even though I haven't jumped yet. As I was about to jump, I felt a presence behind me and turned around. All of them were there Anna, Punzie, Jack, Merida, Hiccup, and Flynn.

"What are you gies doing here?" I asked.

"Elsa, please don't jump. Your the only family that I have felt, I need you Elsa." Anna cried.

"Elsa, you've helped me through everything. Your one of my best friends, please don't jump." Punzie said.

"Elsa, I know that I've only known you for a month. But I've thought of you as a sister, since I've never had one. Elsa please don't jump." Merida said.

"Elsa please don't jump." Jack cried. I thought that I was holusinating when I saw Jack crying, it was the first time that I've seen him show real tears. But I didn't matter, I was going to jump no matter what they said.

"Elsa, Tooth put a love potion in me and I-" he said, but I cut him off.

"Jack I know what a love potion is, boys tried to put it on me all the time in my previous schools in Anderdale. But it never worked because you have to love that person, just a small amount for it to work Jack. How do you think that I felt when I find out that you had feelings for Tooth, when you were dating me." I said.

He was speachless, and I continued to walk off the cliff. And I reached the end, I turned around to see them one more time and jumped off backwards. The last thing I saw was them trying to run and grab me, but they were to late. As I was falling, everything in my life flashes before my eyes. The images were slow and I cried in one of them because it was a picture of all my friends in a group photo at the party. I smiled at the thought and closed my eyes as I fell to my dimise.

Punzie's Pov:

Once Elsa jumped, I ran over there to catch her but she was gone already. And I looked down at the big fall. And for a moment I was thinking about jumping to. But Anna gripped my sholder and shook her head, she must of senced the pain that I was going through.

"Don't even think about it Punzie." Anna told me.

"Who feels like going down, because I do." I said getting up, and walking to the curve. Then Jack gripped on my sholder.

"Are you crazy Punzie! Your gonna jump to!" He yelled at me.

"No, im not gonna jump Jack! I'm gonna climb down there and find Elsa." I said.

"I'll fly you down." Allora said.

"Um honey, you dont have wings." Merida said, then Allora sprouted angel wings and walked up to Merida.

"Who dosen't have wings now." She said in Merida's face. "Now climb on, the more time we spend up here. Is the more time that its gonna take to find Elsa." She said. After all of us climbed on, she flew us to the bottom of the mountain. 'I have to admit in this really serious moment, that her wings are beautiful'. I thought.

Anna's Pov:

Once we got to the bottom of the mountain, I started to look for Elsa like a maniac. And after like 3 hours of looking for Elsa for a long time, I was ready to give up.

"Anything?" I asked.

"Nope." Punzie told me.

"Nothing here." Jack said.

"I found her!" Merida yelled. I ran over there and saw Elsa with snow on her face. I put her head on my lap and cried as she layed on me and so did everyone eles, even Jack.

"Anna, will you let me take a look at her for a secound." Allora asked. I put Elsa on Allora's lap and watched as she put her head on Elsa's chest. After 10 minutes, Allora lifted her head and smiled.

"Elsa still has a heartbeat." She said. Once she said that, everyone was crying with tears of joy and hugged eachother.

Allora's Pov:

Everyone showed so much happiness and hugged eachother. I felt so much love from everyone, especilly the one names Jack Frost. I could tell that he loved Elsa so much. Then after a couple of minutes of them crying, I flew them back to Anna's house.

>>Timeskip 4 hours.........

After the four hours in the Infermary watching Elsa, I told them to go to sleep and that id watch her. Everyone when to sleep, but me and Jack.

"Jack you should get some sleep, it's 2 in the morning." I said.

"Allora, how could you tell when Elsa was still alive." He asked.

"Jack, we both know that is not the real question that you wanna ask. So asked your real question." I said.

"D-do you think that Elsa will try to hurt herself again?" He asked nervously.

"Well, consifering that she was really upset and went to the almost death of a suiside. I think that she'll do it again." I said.

"What can we do to help her?" He said.

"We can take her to the crazy isilum." I said. There was a brief silence.

"C-Can we vist her there?" He asked.

"Jack it's to help, not prison. I can call my friend who is a doctor there, to pick her up and take her there." I said.

"Okay, this might help her." He said, getting happy.

"We should get some sleep, we do have school tomarrow." I said getting up.

"Okay, night." He said.

"Night." I said.



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