iv. drunken fortune

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    The lights had just been risen, as the day had just begun. The eyes were wide open over everyone, as a myriad of people laid over the town. Both towns were to have a talk the following day over the new alliance of the five kingdoms. The concept meant a great deal to the king and queen of the Oran kingdom, though they began to grow increasingly worried.

    Aiden had yet to reverse his tracks and step back onto the soil of the castle's being. He stilled laid naked in the bed of a stranger, being held by his embrace. The drunken fortune to his life ignited a flame that he had not had since Timothy. He shuttered the thought of his ex out of his brain. Those days were over. The day he returned would be their end, their downfall. As if it was the rise and fall. He was only worried over how the prince would take it.

    As much as he wanted to, though, he could not stay - fore he was being forced to leave. There was no way in hell that he'd stay in the gang members warm embrace, huddled in safely when in reality, he had just had sex with a criminal, a fugitive.

    Aiden crept out of the bed and rushed off, with his clothes from the day before, and the pajamas. He knew he'd have to go back to the rusty old bridge, unless there was another way. Could there be? He then rushed over to town square, and noticed Paige and Ben, standing there, to spread the word of their arrival and their assumption of power.

    "Aiden, what the hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be back in the castle?" Paige asked curiously. A little scared for his fate.

    "Yeah, I ended up lying to you-"

    "You what? So you're lying to a queen? Does this mean there's a chance you could be lying to the other royalty of the town nearby?"

    "I'd never, but... That's the probably, I'm being honest." Aiden said. "I noticed that my connection with Timothy mostly revolves around sex, and the nighttime. The late nights, the emotions we feel. It's all because of the light we give off when coitus approaches. That's all, we have no actual chemistry. I need to end it."

    "What? Are you sure? You know you'll break his heart.... Right?"

    "Yeah. Though there is no way I can be in that castle. It broke my heart to admit it, surely, but it's the truth. I mean, the number of the types of relationships there are is multifarious. Why did I have to get into one which it's nucleus was revolved around the act of what humans do to repopulate?"

    "Well, why are you asking this to me, I'm not you. I'm not your heart. I don't know what you're thinking. Who you need to ask, if yourself."

    Aiden sighed, he began to turn back, but locked his eyes with the new rulers to his former home. "Alright, do you know any non-dangerous ways of escaping the hellhole which is to be considered as the almost broken bridge?"

    "Actually yeah, there's one by it. As nearby, there's a forest and on the other side, is Oran. So you should be easily assessable to it." Paige said.

    "And when did you find out?" Aiden asked, "cuz I've always only knew of the bridge, and it's seen its fair share of better days."

    "Well, someone told us. It's nothing really, but yeah."

Aiden just let a sigh out as he now knew that he had a choice of not risking his life. Though, now he finally realized how they had gotten over the bridge was risk fulled. They always had a 99% chance of death and yet, the 1% always conquered all. It made zero sense.

He let a sigh out as he went up the hill, rethinking all of his life choices; had he not entered the nefarious and perverted area that he found out his origin of status in the Oran kingdom of, he would not even be here. And the ancestors of those who had imprisoned him to a secret life of labour and intense harsh conditions, a secret he had a right of knowing, as well as a loveless relationship that rided on sex and loving, one that he wished he'd taken his time on. Something that he regretted and yet desired, longed for every night. The warmth. The arms. The safety. It was his refuse from the horror he called his world.

But, that did not mean that the place he took shelter in was any less grim. He kept on questioning why, and how he got himself to this area. He all knew that he had the person he'd just slept with's bosses to blame, and how come? He meant no harm, all he wanted was to see if the urban legend was truthful, and that they really existed.

Though, he got more then he bargained for.


The day later, he had finally revived himself, giving him enough strength to hop back into the palace, where certainly his boyfriend would be worried for him. His soon to be past lover.

He was right, as Timothy rushed down the marble staircase and ran to hug his boyfriend.

"I missed you! I thought you were only going to be there for less then a day and return the night of! You were not given permission to leave for days." Timothy yelled, anger filling his tense shoulders.

"Look, we need to talk." Aiden said. "I've been thinking and our whole relationship is based off of the nighttime, and sex. I can't handle this. If you really want to date me, we need to take things slow. But I have something to say-" Aiden grasped a hold of his balance as he shut his eyes, ready to break the person who had everything he could ever want's world, and leave one thing unfinished, leave one thing for him to be without in his life. "I'm breaking up with you."

"W-what? How? Why? You can't do that."

"Yeah, I can. And I am." Aiden stated. "You can't force me to date you."

"But I can." Timothy asked, a smug smile racing across his powerful veins, as he stepped closer and cornered Aiden onto the bed.

Meanwhile, Aiden was scared. He could not help it, he wanted to return to the exact reason he left; sex. He wanted to so badly get in the bed with Timothy while it was daylight, and do the deeds of the night. Yet something inside him forced him to stray away.

"No. You can't force me, and if you will, then I am done." Aiden yelled, and then stormed off.

Timothy only knew one thing when his heart grew to be unsatisfied for once in his forsaken life. A sigh held him captive, whilst he questioned what was ever the cause of this. Did something happen? Was Aiden still going to serve? The last question was answered right away when Aiden was seen walking out the corridors of the mansion, and Timothy looked over at the big window, with a birds eye view of his ex. A grudge being held against him, accountable for the fall of the prince.

He then turned to his brother, Harold, who sat in the throne room he was nearby from. He walked in, "get the guards." He said, and then Harold eyed the one lead guard, who brought all the other 49 guards in their army, to be lined in seven groups of seven in the throne room.

"A servant has escaped, he will be found, caught, apprehended, and punished for his crimes." Timothy said, and by then, it was too late. Timothy had made his mind up.

Aiden was dead. Dead to him, and would soon be actually dead. Though, he did not actually commit a real crime, Timothy was a prince, so he could rule anyone guilty of anything and they'd all believe him. This was such case. Aiden had to go.

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