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Meeting my sister at the parking after 2 years and she says;

“Damn girl you have grown mighty fine” My little sister, that’s right SISTER, said to me.

I was wearing some shorts with a tank top 'cause I was to lazy to get properly changed. THAT"S RIGHT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT PUNK?

“I haven’t seen you in, what, 2 years and all you have to say is that? Not an OH MY GOD I HAVEN’T SEEN YOU IN LIKE AGES!” I said in a really high pitched voice.

Baby can’t you see?

I’m callin’

A guy like you should wear a warning,

It’s dangerous,

I’m fallin’.

“Sorry Tess but I gotta take this call.”

Answering the phone  putting it on speaker,

“Hello this is the condom factory. How may I help you would you like to order a size or a flavour?” I said in a monotone voice.

“Ah um excuse me I think I may have the wrong number sorry!” And she had quickly hanged up.

My sister was staring at me with an eyebrow raised and an amused look. I put my hand up telling her to wait.

Baby can’t you see?

I’m callin’

A guy like you should wear a warning,

“Hello? How may I help you this is Dominos what can I get you?” I asked again in a monotone voice.

“Um… This is Jess right and can you please not lie to me!” Her timid voice came.

“How did you know my name are you stalking me? ‘Cause I swear if you are my boyfriend won’t be happy about this!” I faked a really high pitched voice.

“Hannah pass me the frickin’ phone!” I heard in the background then heard the shuffling.

“BELLA! Stop joking around with Hannah like that! I’m surprised she hasn’t ran away from you yet.” He whispered the last part into the phone.

“I heard that you moron!”

“And what this you already got your first boyfriend? What is he like is he like is he cute, sexy, hot WELL?” He started yelling,

“Damn Zac calm you tits would ya? I don’t have a boyfriend so stop yelling. Jeez! I’ll call you later okay? My sister is looking at me in the most creepiest way, If I don’t happen to call you back you can have my laptop and Hannah can have my Ipod ‘kay?” I said really quickly looking at my sister’s face.

“Good luck love!” Then I hanged up on him

My sister still had one of her eyebrows raised and with that amused look.

“So you haven’t had a boyfriend yet, huh? Maybe that will change soon.” She said as if she knew the biggest in the whole world. Damn this girl can sure make you feel scared, making me step back.

Then suddenly a group of people stepped up towards my sister, now it was my turn to raise my eyebrow at her. They mostly looked like jocks and cheerleaders, oh great my sister maybe a slut… Note the sarcasm peeps!

"You can stay with us if you want we are renting out a place you could live with us!" Tess says but it's not really that simple, duh!

Suddenly I heard the song Toxic by Britney Spears playing and turned to look at the people.

~Author's Note~

Hey guys that are reading this if your still reading it that is.... Anyway I have not editted it but if you see a mistake i'll be glad if you tell me. I actually have no idea where this is going so if the catergories seem wrong i'm sorry! And please tell me what is good and what I can do better! Anyway vote if you like it comment if you got something to say!

Keep in mind that this is my FIRST story I have written!!

Lily <3

Hey guys! I am editting the story a bit so the trailer won't go with this but please give it a chance and tell me how I can write it better!!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 21, 2012 ⏰

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