Contest 1: Era of the Unearthed (Closed)

144 19 31

Era of the Unearthed

Here, our young padawans, is our first contest... EVER!!!


Here is the quote that inspired this contest:

"You turn a corner and your eyes widen in shock. You find an item from a different era. What did you see?"

Essentially, choose an item from an era, choose a feeling that you felt when you found this item and make a cover about it. :D

Perhaps you could do a scroll from Rome! Or a necklace in Victorian London. Or cave paintings from the cavemen time! It doesn't matter; make a cover about it. 

Task: Make an ITEM BASED BOOK COVER, depicting the item and the era from which it came, and the emotion you felt when uncovering it.

Title: Chose a title that subtly hints what your item was, or the feeling you had when you found it.

Borderline Graphics Example:

Item: Marble that glowes Red - teleporting device

Era: Futuristic

Emotion felt while uncovering it: Curiosity

(Graphic by ophidiae)

(Graphic by ophidiae)

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Image Inspiration: 

1: Sand Glass (futuristic) 

2: Clock (old)

3: Marble (Futuristic)

4: Series [Shakespeare] (Old)

5: Clock (Futuristic)

5: Clock (Futuristic)

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Extra points for:

- Interesting, unique item

- Title flow

- Clear depiction of the era

- Great depiction of emotion

- General Cover Creativity


1st Place-

A follow

A Shoutout

Two critics on two Graphics of your choice, or simply our favourites.

One resource pack OR a free cover made by one of our admins. (You will be their first priority; credit is a must.)

2nd Place-

A Shoutout

A critic on one graphic of your choice

A free cover made by our admins. (Same requirements as above.)

3rd Place-

A Shoutout

A free cover made by one of our admins

(For more inspiration: Search concert posters 1960s)

All entries need to be emailed to borderline: by 21st of February (EST)

To Enter, comment below and tag three others who may be interested!

In the email, please include your WP Username, the item you chose for your cover, and the era you chose.

Go get creative!

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