Tally Ho! (Parody of Let It Go)

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Tally Ho (Dapper Elsa Strikes Again)

The kettle is boiling on the stove tonight,

I look forward to it most.

A kitchen of eager tea drinkers,

and it looks like I'm the host.

The steam is howling like this swirling tea inside.

Couldn't help it I,

just had to try.

Don't let them hear,

don't let them see.

My terrible tea tasting skills!


don't slurp.

Don't let them hear!

Well, now they hear!

Tally ho!

Tally ho!

Couldn't hold it back anymore!

Tally ho!

Tally ho!

Toodle pip pip cheerio!

I don't care!

What they're going to hear!

Let my lips slurp on.

The sound never bothered me anyway.


It's funny how some slurping,

makes everything feel great.

And the embarrasment that controled me,

won't get back to me at all!

It's time to try,

something new!

To test my limits and just slurp!

No right.

No wrong.

No tea for you.

I'm dapper....

Tally ho!

Tally ho!

I am one with the tea and cup!

Tally ho!

Tally ho!

Let me slurp it all up!

Here I slurp!

And here I slush!

Let my lips slurp on...


My tea is flowing everywhere, across the room!

My lips are slurping it up, every drop!

And one thought steams into my head!

I'm never cleaning up!

This mess is their's to clean!

Tally ho!

Tally ho!

It's time to let my dapper show!

Tally ho!

Tally ho!

So open up the window!

Here is slurp!

In the light of day!

Let the slurps be LOUD!!

The sound never bothered me anyway.


Author's Note:

Soo...  Yeah that's what goes on in my mind.  And one of my friends (and my crush since 6th grade) showed me a video from the news.  It was a guy inturrupting the news cast and saying: "I sat on my porch, took my beer, and F*CKED HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY!"  I have no idea how he got to that video anyways...  But that's okay!  I love him anyways <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2014 ⏰

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