Tormund Request

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This was a pretty awesome request and I hope I did it justice.
It's pretty long, word count is around 1700

A bastard. The daughter of Ned Stark brought back from Robert's war alongside your twin brother Jon. It had never been an easy title to carry, very early on from the coldness you felt from Lady Stark, you knew you had two choices, stay sulked in the corner and pout like Jon, or enjoy the freedom without worry of having to marry or further any heirs. It was the one thing you had been thankful for. There was no pressure to be anything other then yourself.

And growing up, you took full advantage of it. Trading in dresses for trousers, tunics and muddy boots. Mangled hair and a dirty face, so much so you were regularly mistaken for your half sister, Arya. Despite being older, you weren't much taller then her, standing at just height of 5' foot, it was hard to tell the difference under all the grime you found yourself in everyday.

It was a happy childhood, sparing with Arya when you could, hunting with Robb and Jon, seeing who could tell a dirtier joke with Theon, and even using the dresses your Septon would try and make you wear, to wrap your wounds or a makeshift belt for your wooden weapons.

It had been perfect. Until the day your brother left for the Wall, father was leaving for the South and you were suddenly all alone.

But that were so many years ago. The days of childish innocence's. All that you held dear was gone.

Even Winterfell, taken by the Bolton's who betrayed your brother.

But that wasn't enough, for now even the North hadn't been safe. Ramsay intended to destroy every last remaining Stark. Even bastard born. You had nowhere to go, expect for one place, Castle Black.

With what little you had, you saddle your horse in the blackness of the night and rode off, nervous as to what came next, but excited, for the first in so many years you would be reunited with a member of your family.

Dawn had broken when you arrived at the dreary and gray gates of the castle. Soon following, the ear blasting horns that blew to announce your arrival, your stomach twisted but you kept a straight face.

You lead your horse steadily through the barriers and felt all eyes on you. One pair in particular belonged to a less then shy ginger who was glued to you, mouth agape as if he were staring at some wonder. How long has it been since they've seen a female? You chuckled at your own thought, and ignored the stares.

But then there Jon stood, at the top of the stairs, slowly making his way down, not taking his eyes off of you, till finally, you stood mere feet from your brother.

Both of you stayed still, overcome by shock, until you ran into his arms, being engulfed into his warm presence as you gripped him with everything you had. For once in so many years...feeling safe.

"My, you've least an inch since I saw you." Jon chuckled over the Ale and fire you shared later that night. "I wish I could say the same, but I think you've gotten shorter." You gently punched his shoulder, laughing as you did. "I've missed you, brother." You took a sip of the warm drink in your hands, looking at Jon. "I've missed you too, the whole lot of us, really. Robb, Arya, Father..."

"Winterfell." You cut him off mid sentence. "Aye, Winterfell too. But it was taken." He gulped down the drink and stared into the fire before the two of you. "Then let's take it back."

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