xxxviii. messages

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love song !

messages !
[ hennessy & diego ! ]


why tf did you
tell jasmine you
were getting back
together with me?


because i am.
you made me
realize that i
made a mistake


i made you realize? you
should have been realized
you made a mistake before
saying all that shit about me


like i said i made a mistake, but i
want to fix everything. i want to
be in your life and the baby's life


well it's too late for that diego. the
baby is due next week and it's gonna
be me and nahmir at the hospital


just give me another chance
hennessy. i can prove myself


can you diego? you don't trust
me, you called me a hoe twice
and you're a huge fucking liar
who cheated on his ex girlfriend


i know i'm not the best person. i
admit that, but i tried to be. i tried
to make our relationship happy and
romantic, i tried to not be like your
exs and i tried to not make you cry.

i'm not asking you to forgive me for
what i did and said or to make another
promise with me. i'm asking you for
another chance so i can prove myself
to you and if you think i haven't proven
myself you can go back to nahmir with
the baby and i'll go back to jasmine


okay diego i'll give you
another chance. the chance
starts next week at the hospital


i'll be there


and one more thing
after i have the baby
you and me are staying
away from social media
and our music. okay?


fine with me

LOVE SONG.                                           ( LIL XAN - ONE )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang