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Lisa's POV

Me and jungkook are the ones who are here in the house cause everyone seems to be having their own business somewhere

I am currently here in the living room while jungkook is at our room

I guess were home alone?......

I turned on the TV and watched some unicorn shows

"UNICORNS FOR LIFEU"I shouted happily

"StFu"jungkook said

When did he get here?

"USE YOUR F**KING HAEDPHONES!!"I shouted at him and left to the kitchen to get a glass of water

Jungkook's POV

I don't really hate lisa,infact I like her.

Same as my other hyungs,were just pretending that we don't like them so that our manager will not know

Actually we have crushes on them....but I won't tell who

Lisa is in the kitchen now and I have a plan to tease her

I went to the kitchen and back-hugged her

She turned around and she was a blushing mess

"Hahahahahahaha''I laughed

"Do you actually think that is serious"I said

''Shut the f**ck up"she said and left

I really admit my heart fluttered when I saw her blushing

Let's see what happened in the future but I'm sure that she will be mine

Lisa's POV

After a few minutes,jin oppa arrived with jisoo unnie,he is carrying jisoo unnie who is really feeling unconscious

"What happened to her?"I asked worriedly

"Don't worry shes fine"He said with a assured face

I just nodded as a sign of 'OK'

he went to their room and who knows what happened to them

Soon everyone else arrived....

Tha whole night I have been thinking about jungkook

"I THINK I'M FALLING FOR HIM"I mumbled as I went to sleep

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