Chapter 5

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(A/N) Yo what's up everybody I hope your still enjoying my story because shit is about to go down this chapter takes place about a month or two after picking up Ceaser And Hiro. Everyone is doing good we'll for now.


Huey: And all I'm saying is, Ronald Reagan was the devil. 
Rich Man: You are such an articulate young man. 
Huey: I'm trying to explain to you that Ronald Reagan was the devil! Ronald Wilson Reagan? Each of his names have six letters? 666? Man, doesn't that offend you? 
Rich Man: I love this kid! 
[rich crowd smiles and applauds] 
Huey: Hey, what are you doing? Stop that!
(Huey Freeman and Rich people, The garden party)

The month of December came and went as the crew strategically planned for this monumental endeavor to bring Justice to their parents and maybe just maybe start the greiving process.

Huey woke up in the warm house and decided to go watch the news as he did every morning leaving a sick Jazmine Dubois getting ready for the day

"Umm... I'm gonna go run some errands I'll be back later on today okay?" Jazmine said getting dressed.

"Need any help, you've been kinda distant?"he said

"It's not you and I got it thanks Huey"she said running out the house leaving the door open.

Huey noticed that she has been acting weird for some reason random food cravings, morning sickness, cramps, and she's been distant from him. He dismissed it as her wanting to be alone more now and he let her everyone needs personal space.

"God what did I get myself into I should've known from the start damnit fuck?" She said tearing up leaving her Camaro and walking to the store.

She had been wearing one of Huey's extra large black hoodie's which of course said "black power" on it and some baggy Pink sweatpants with some all Chuck Taylor's.

She looked around the convenient store for the items she needed not sure where to go now, she was going to later on. But she still wasn't sure of anything so she made her purchases, leaving the store crying back to her car.

She sat inside her Camaro and deliberated all her options tell him what's going on or save it or wait as long as possibly could.

"He's gonna fucking kill me...maybe I should just kill myself, what would Cristal like the champagne do?" she said pulling out the parking lot and onto the road back home.

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she almost hit a parked car on her way.

She frantically searched for her keys in her crowded purse, Huey wasn't there because he was preoccupied with his business as usual but that was the least of her worries right now.

She trudged up the wooden stairs nothing holding her back as she headed for the Master bathroom door.

"It's now or never Jazmine".

"Can y'all eat so we can leave damn slow ass nigga's" Riley said prepared  to leave the Cafe they had been at for over an hour.

"Well sorry if everyone dosen't have a hole in their stomach like you plus all you bought was a two peices of artery clogging fried chicken"

Huey said taking his last bite of his Ceaser salad then discarding the plastic tray.

Huey, Ceaser, Hiro, and Riley all decided to go and eat out today because the whole case thing started to stress them out, grey hairs even becoming evident in Riley's cornrows.

They arrived back at Granddad's house all taking Huey's car because he forced them to, Riley hid his face because "he aint want his niggas seeing him riding in a electric car" or some shit.

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