Always remember

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Recap of what happened:

Ronald put chloroform on me. Him and the hamburglar try to make everyone eat at his restaurant. He kills my mother because she doesn't like McDonalds. My dad goes to jail because they think he killed my mother. "Everything is very different since then..."

I beg the police to not take my dad, but they don't ever seem convinced. "You are gonna have to live as an orphan unless someone will keep hold of you." Says chief Hamby. "You look familiar have we met?" I ask him. "No?" Chief hamby looks at me with a weird look. I say "sorry." "It's fine I get asked that a lot," he says to me. I know him though. I am drugged as I faint to the floor. Ronald is back in town! I wake only to find it's not Ronald it's the hamburglar. I'm in a secret police bunker. The hamburglar looks at me and says" how do you know who I am." I remember now hamby is short for hamburglar. "Wha.. what is going on?" I mumble. "HOW DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!," He shouts trying to get me to answer. "Ronald McDonald told me about your plans!" I yell trying to get him to stop. "He betrayed me!, he's gonna pay for it now!" I fall asleep only to wake with the hamburglar holding a gun to Ronald's head. "Why are you betraying me!" He shouts at Ronald. "I don't know what you mean I have been helping with everything you want." Says Ronald desperately wanting to not get shot. I scream "please don't do this!" He doesn't listen though. Right before he is about to shoot Ronald hits him over the head with the wrench I found. Ronald screeches at me saying "WHY DID YOU TELL HIM!" I try to say I'm sorry but he doesn't care. "YOU ARE GONNA PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!..." The police come in right before he could shoot me. "YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!" He runs away before the police catch him. "Til next time Jack, Til next time..." I tell the police that Ronald was the one who murdered my mother. They let my dad go finally and I shout with joy "Dad!" He shouts back at me. "My boy jack!" He hugs me as we go get some ice cream. "I'm so glad your back dad!" I say to him. "Me too!"

Part two of the truth about ronaldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن