pretty choices

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I thought I would've gotten it
I made a plan
Thinking it would work
So my fear wouldn't get what it was suppose to get
But I ended up without it instead
I didn't know
Not getting it would've upset me this much
It's not much
But I guess I've been afraid that I didn't think of the aftereffect
I didn't think I'd lose both instead

Scared of being first choice
Because of dissapointment
Because of fame
Because of management
Because of incapability
Because of favourism
I told myself that I wasn't what they wanted
And that way,
I lost the dream I had
I let it slip through my fingers
Without realizing it
I lost sight
I'm losing sight

Upset because if being second
Was it out of pity
Was it just cause I'm her friend
Was it because of what I deserve
Was it because of feeling sorry
Was it because it would've been my last
Was it because I'm almost like her

Almost is so far
Almost is not enough
I'm far from almost
I don't know if I'll be able to pass that "almost" line
Will my "almost" pay off?
Will my "almost" be worth it?
Will my "almost" be the end?

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