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Under Certain Circumstances I am not your average teen....I do things that can label me as a bad person.

Sometimes I choose the wrong decision and it ends up making my problem knot tighter.....Sometimes I am so unaware that I am hurting people I didn't mean to hurt. One wrong decision can change the course of your life. Life doesn't second chances. You can retry or restart or erase what you have done. I have anxiety.....Its not bad but It kind of limits me in a way. Some people say I am the type of teen that drags my problems to school with me....I don't mean to. Do not mix anxiety with depression...haha. I am not suicidal or anything. Nobody has a perfect life and no one is perfect. I am definitely not..If you were to meet me I bet you wouldn't guess who I am as a person by just looking at... never judge slow it walks...ya know!

I am.....I had to rant thanks for listening!

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