Sign City

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Edith looked through her balcony. Her brown eyes scanned the city that she was stuck in, forever unable to leave. Her fingers came with contact with the window, tracing the buildings that were behind the glass. The starlit sky drew her attention towards itself, as she looked at all of the constellations that she traced in the sky. Her eyes fluttered shut, and with a heavy sigh she planted her head on the glass of her window.
"Honey?" Spoke a voice as smooth as honey.
"Yes, mama?" Edith replied, turning towards the lady that spoke to her.
Her mother was pretty, and had a small petite frame. Her narrow shoulders and small waist gave her a hourglass shape, and her butt was round and her hips dip-less.
"Im going out, and you'll be alone for a while. Dinner is in the fridge if you get hungry. You know the rules." Her mom smiled as she grabbed her coat and keys.
"Ok, mama." Edith responded.
"Oh, Edith?"
"Your father will be home soon. If anything happens, call me." She said, slight worry glazing her eyes.
"I will." Edith replied, her eyes dropping and her smile falling at the mention of her father.
"Bye, Dear."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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