Part 2

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The next day or so was used as time for planning the attack on the castle. Peter tried to get me involved, but after an hour he was so fed up with my sarcasm that he told me to go sit in the corner and listen to the rest of them make plans.

"I'm not a child, you can't just put me in the corner!"

"Well, you act like a child and yes, I can just put you in the corner. Now go sit and be quiet, so we can actually figure this out."

"Can't I just leave?"


"Why?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Because you have just as much input in this as we do."

"Actually I am neither a queen nor high queen and I have no authority over Narnia therefore I have no input in the matter. I am merely one of your soldiers."

"You're our best soldier. Stop pretending you have no responsibilities Y/N, because you do. You may not have much authority, but you have an influence. You helped us the first time and people know who you are! We need all the help we can get."

I rolled my eyes. Of course he was gonna get into this. I just wanted to go practise my combat skills. It had been so long time since I had held a sword and I really wanted to get better with my archery skills as well. I was awful at strategy! Why didn't he get that? I was useless here. I could actually do something if he would just let me go and practise.

"We really do need your help." Caspian told me. All of a sudden, I didn't really want to leave. Peter wanted me here because he was trying to do what he was summoned for. Caspian wanted me here because he legitimately needed and wanted my help. I'd like to think that he also just wanted me to stay for him, not for the battle strategies.

I sighed, "Fine."

I went and stood next to Caspian. Peter looked confused as to why I had given up so easily, but I knew that he wasn't going to question it as long as I stayed. Once again, I stood next to and talked only to Caspian for the remainder of the next few hours. When Peter finally let us go, I went straight outside to train for the upcoming attack on the telmarines. I put my hair up and took my old sword that had been found along with my siblings old stuff. I also took Susan's bow. I wasn't very good at archery, but I wanted to get better, so I went outside and began to practise shooting at a target.That's where Caspian found me.

I had just pulled my arm back, aiming at the middle of a target about twenty feet away, when I heard my name being called. I turned around, now aiming at Caspian who was walking towards me. He put his hands up and stumbled backwards a bit when he realized I had an arrow pointing right at him. I laughed and put the bow down.

"Sorry." I said with a smile. The look on his face when I had turned around was priceless. It was if he actually thought I was going to shoot him for a second. Not that I blamed him. He was currently being hunted.

He smiled, put his hands down and walked closer to me. I took aim again and shot. The arrow hit just on the outer circle of the target and I groaned. Caspian watched as I took out another arrow and pointed it towards the centre circle again. Before I shot, he took a hold of my arm and began to readjusted it. When I felt him grab my arm, I was a little surprised and jerked back a bit, but once I realized he was trying to help, I let him continue. When he stepped away, I shot again, not hitting the centre, but getting much closer. I looked at him.

"So, you know to shoot a bow."

"Not really, I just know the basics. I would much rather be fighting with a sword."

"Honestly, I would too. I just thought I should get better at my archery skills. Susan's good at archery. This is her bow actually."

"You stole it?"

"I borrowed it without permission." I corrected. "And I'll give it back, most likely before she notices it's even gone."

He laughed. "You are quite different from them."

"Really? How's that?"

"Your brothers and sisters seem to play by the rules for the most part. They try to come up with ways to make things work. You try to make things happen."

"How do know that? You only just met me."

"I was talking to Edmund. He told me about the last time you were here. He said you pushed Peter to make decisions and practically took over his position in leading the army into battle."

"Because he was being slow. I had to remind him that if we didn't just choose our best option instead of going over every bad option than we would probably be dead before we even started to make our move."

I took another arrow and shot it. This time it landed on the edge of the inner circle. I smiled, knowing that it was the way Caspian had just moved my arms that had helped me. We spent a few more minutes talking and then ended up training together using our swords. I was a little surprised to find that a I was better than him. He told me that he wasn't really taught how to sword fight. In fact he was discouraged from it as his uncle didn't want him knowing how to fight, probably in case something like what was happening right now ever occurred. Just because his uncle didn't want him too, didn't mean he didn't try. He snuck out at night and someone in the kingdom who he knew was a great sword fighter would train him. It didn't happen that often though. They had been very afraid of getting caught.

It got late and Caspian and I parted ways, once again only because I knew Peter wouldn't like me spending the entire night talking to this prince who we still knew very little about. Also, the next day was the day we had planned to attack the telmarines and we did need to be rested before doing that.

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