Love /Tyler Carter/Michael Bohn

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Title : high for this feeling they call love
Song : mad at myself (issues)
Pairing : Tyler Carter / Michael Bohn
Tyler's Point Of View
I sat in my room for what seemed to be the hundredth time today and about the millionth time this week .
I just sad there and cried .
I have honestly been doing this every single day for maybe , a month ? two ? who knows how long ! I lost count after three weeks . . .
I've fallen into this wave of depression that just about nothing can fix .
Why am I so depressed ?
Because , I'm single !
I know , it sounds stupid , but all of my closest friends and family are in love , and I'm just , not .
I feel like everyone's given up on me , too .
I'm just , so mad at myself .
Am I honestly that bad , that no one can fall in love with me ?
I'm giving into my depression .
My friends gave up on contacting me about three weeks into my depression .
They gave up on texting me , and asking me to chill , and me , just not answering .
All I wanna do is eat and go on tumblr .
Tumblr ; it depresses me , and makes me feel worse , but for some reason it's so addicting .
I constantly find myself looking up endless amounts of pictures of couples , holding hands , on dates , double dates , hugging , kissing , smiling , being happy together , and just being couples ; and I'm just here .
There's the countless adorable posts and even the occasional racy sex post , but it all seems so perfect , and happy .
That's all I want .
I want a guy , that will just , hold my hand , and protect me , and give me piggy-back rides , and make me smile , and let me ware his sweaters , and cuddle , and just , be cute with .
I want the full , complete relationship package .
I dug into my third chicken and cheese burrito , when I came across a post that basically spoke to me .
The post telling me , persuading me , to get up , get dressed , and look for someone , rather then crying and eating my sorrows away .
For some reason , I listened to the post .
I got up , I showered , I brushed me teeth , put on a fresh shirt , skinny jeans , cologne , and my 'nerdy' glasses that my friends say make me look adorable .
This is it ; for the first time in weeks , I'll be leaving the house , without being a bum .
Since it was extremely nice out , at around threeish in L.A. , I decided that I would just walk around , and see what's going on .
I passed so many people ; mostly girls , some cute . also , some hot guys , but not quite my type . majority of the people I passed were couples , but with my chin up , I passed them , as if it didn't bother me .
I smiled at everyone that looked at me .
I had no destination in particular , that was until I saw him .
This one guy , tall , cute , gauges , black hair , skinny jeans , baggy shirt .
I knew , I had to make him mine .
He walked into a store , which I realized was my favorite store , hot topic .
So , I followed .
After about five seconds , I finally found him .
I nonchalantly walked over to him , and saw what he was looking at ; an Of Mice & Men band tee .
I smiled .
"Hey ." I said , capturing his attention .
He looked confused , but smiled anyway .
His smile was genuine , I noticed a little twitch in his eye .
"Hi ." he said back ; I noted his adorable voice .
"I noticed something about you, that I couldn't help but ask about ." I mentioned .
he smiled , then frowned .
"Listen , I'm sorry , but if it's about my Tourette's , please , just leave me alone ." he said , saddened .
I gave him a sympathetic look that lasted a second or two , but then shook my head .
"No , I was going to ask about the shirt your looking at . Of Mice & Men ! They're my favorite band ! I was going to talk to you about them , but it's fine if you don't want to ." I said ; I knew I sounded disappointed .
"Oh , haha . Yes ! I love Of Mice & Men ! That's actually why I'm hear ; I heard new merch was out , to go with the new record , so I wanted to pick some up ." he said , smiling brighter now .
"No way ! Me too !" I said , excited .
"That's killer ! Maybe , if you want , we can go chat about them over coffee or something ?" he said , kinda flirtatiously .
"Sounds like a plan ." I smiled .
As we walked to the closest coffee shop , which happened to be Starbucks , we spoke more .
"So , what's your name ?" he asked , making small talk .
"I'm Tyler . You ?" I asked .
"I'm Michael ," He said , fixing his shirt . "Michael Bohn ."
I laughed .
"I like your humor already ." I stated .
"At least someone does !" he joked .
I smiled .
Once we reached Starbucks , I ordered a mocha ice coffee , and he ordered a tea if some kind .
After much argument , he insisted to pay .
Upon waiting for our names to be called for our drinks , we spoke some about bands , quickly learning that we infect share the same musical interests .
"Mitchel and Talor ." a counter girl called out , looking at us .
"Mitchel ? Talor ?" I asked Michael , laughing .
"Just go with it , babe , they can't spell here ." he joked .
I blushed when he called me babe , but I don't think he noticed .
"So , I'm not keeping you from anything , right ?" I asked , being sure I wasn't a nuisance .
"Nah . You're way better then the shit I've to do ." He stated .
"How can you be sure that I'm more important ?" I asked , smirking .
"There's something that just , feels special about you , Tyler ." Michael said , smiling .
I blushed .
"Like , come one . To me , there's something fishy about this . I'm minding my own business , walking into hot topic , to buy band merch , when this adorable angel approaches me because he likes the same band , and he just so happens to like coffee and is perfect and I just feel this , I don't know , strange connection to you . I find myself wanting to make you smile , because your smile is just gorgeous , ya know ?" He admitted .
I blushed , and I tried to hide my growing smile in my hands , behind my glasses .
He put his a hand on top of mine .
I hadn't realized my hands were cold until his warm ones touched mine ; his warmth consuming me .
"I said your smile's gorgeous . Please , don't hide it ."
I pulled my hands away .
"I know what you mean . There's no way that I waste a month and a half of my life , staying at home and crying that I'm single , and going on tumblr and eating , and that the one day I decide to get up , I meet someone perfect , like you ." I laughed , I honestly thought that was true . "You're like an angel that just so happened to be walking into hot topic at the same time as me ."
He laughed .
"I'm happy I met you , Tyler ." he said .
I blushed .

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