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14 years ago

"Please tell me you don't believe all this stuff, Katherine. It doesn't make any sense." he said as he started pacing the floor.

"Don't lie to yourself, it is the most logical reason for what is happening. I know you don't believe me, but it has happened before. My grandmother went through the same thing. She didn't explain a lot, but she gave me her diary before she passed away. I just can't figure out what it all means."

He abruptly stopped walking, thankfully, before wearing a hole in the floor. "Do you realize how insane this sounds? Our daughter could be in serious danger and all you can think of is your crazy grandmother? I have no idea what is going on, and I am terrified for Iris."

"You are not even considering all the possibilities, George! I don't know why, but I believe whatever was happening to my grandma has something to do with what is going on with Iris. You have to help me figure out what is going on." Said Katherine with a pleading look in her eyes.

Reluctantly, her husband gently took the book from her, afraid it would fall apart at the seams and opened it to the first page before replying. "Okay... where do we start?"

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