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"I'm just clumsy, I guess." I told my English teacher for what could only be the millionth time. I forced a smile as I walked out of class towards the cafeteria 

 What I told her wasn't a lie. I am clumsy, I run into poles, I trip over things that aren't there and I fall up the stairs (yes, up). I don't blame them for worrying though, I probably would be suspicious, too. In the beginning I tired explaining I had no idea what was happening, but after a while I got tired of the questions and started answering with the same boring sentence every time.

After finally making it to the cafeteria, I was the last in line to get my sorry excuse for a cheeseburger and fries and made my way over to my table.

Aliyah wasn't in French today, so you can say I was a little terrified when she suddenly grabbed my shoulders from behind. After my lungs decided to operate properly, I turned around and was surprised when I was greeted by an out of breath brunette with tears streaming down her face. My best friend's normally tanned face was now bright red as she bent over clutching her stomach in laughter.

"When you are finished, you can tell me why you weren't in first period today" I said as I turned back around to pick at my food.

After about another fifteen seconds of laughter, she seriously found everything hilarious, Aliyah was finally composed enough to form a sentence. "O-okay, the reason I ditched first and second period was because, drum roll please," she started smacking her hands on the table, " the adoption went through!! I'm going to be a big sister!"

"That's awesome, Al! You will be the best sister anyone could ask for. How old is Oliver, again?"

"He's 6. I told you about his biological family, right? His older brother is 17, as well. They didn't take him out of the home because he turns 18 next month and he can move out. It is really sad."

"Their mom died, right? His dad is abusive, which is why he was taken. What was the older boy's name, again? Wasn't it like Arrow, or something?" I just realized how much of a dramatic turn this conversation took.

"It's Archer. And yes, their mom died in a car accident. I've met Archer a few times at court and stuff, but he seems so closed off. It makes sense, I definitely couldn't handle his situation."

Desperately wanting to change the subject, and deciding I could dwell on Archer and his life later I asked "What are you doing later today?"

"Studying." I didn't really expect anything different, we are juniors and we have finals coming up. That should be my answer as well, but I have more important things to do. For example, Sam and Dean are not going to watch the best show ever for me. Some people would say I need to focus more on school, but I haven't studied once for a test and I haven't failed yet.

"You do that everyday. Why don't you skip out on studying for today. I do have a concert soon and you know I cannot chose a dress to save my life." I wasn't lying, I did have a concert. It's six weeks away, but she didn't need to know that. I really need to get out of the house. My parents have been fighting more over the past few weeks. I don't know what it is about, because they won't tell me anything. Sometimes I practice my viola to drown out the sound, but other times I binge Netflix until they are done arguing.

"Fine, but if my test scores suck, I'm blaming it on you." She tried her best to scowl at me, but ultimately failed when she started laughing. The bell rang, cutting off our laughter. "Better get to the heck that is English. Meet me at my locker after school."

After hugging and saying our goodbyes we each headed to our third period classes. It was always my goal to get to the classroom first. This might seem weird to other people, but I didn't want to be caught in the current of students rushing to their seats to avoid being marked late. It also gave me a couple minutes to read my book before class started. 

People usually gave me weird looks in the halls when they caught a glimpse of the books I carried. I absolutely loved reading about my ancestors and what their lives looked like. I started sneaking my family's diaries out of my fathers study at age 12. We were learning about American history and one of the assignments was to read and interpret a page out of a soldier's journal. From that day forward I was always engrossed in finding out about my history and what was happening back then. 

The specimen I am carrying today is my great-grandmother's diary. Comparing the looks of this one to the journals of my other ancestors, it looks as if it is going to disintegrate at the single breath of a kitten. I really need to find a way to preserve it. Aliyah told me to rewrite it on the computer, but I didn't feel like it was authentic. I wanted to preserve it in its original form. I think it adds value to it. 

24 October 1919

     It's happening once again. The injuries seem to be becoming more frequent. I have received some books from the librarian this morning. She insists I have lost my mind, but I assure you I know what is happening. I have to know the reason for this curse. The bruises are becoming more prominent and I am worried for whoever these injuries are being inflicted upon. It is necessary to save this man. I will write as soon as I attain more information. 

The bell rings, causing me to put my reading off until later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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