Chapter 1

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At school I sat at my desk and drew on a piece of white paper I had no clue what to draw? But I just doodled until my teacher said "Kaitlyn, what are Atoms? "I looked up and stared at her she then said "You need to pay more attention in class" With a loud tone to her voice but luckily the bell had rung and time for me to go home. I went to my locker and put in my combination and then my boyfriend came up behind me and grabbed my waist I turned around and he kissed me I said "You scared me" he whispered in my ear "meet me behind the school in an hour" and then he walked away.

1hour later. Many things were going through my mind as I walked around the corner to meet Brian my boyfriend. He and 4 other boys were standing there. I didn't recognize any of the boys. Brian came up to me and hugged me and whispered in my ear "I'm very sorry" and he walked away from me. Before I knew it all 4 of the boys were dragging me to some kind of shack in the woods. I woke up confused and I had a sharp pain in my head. Then I asked "where am I and where's Brian?" Then out of no where Brian walked up to me and said "Im very sorry I didn't want to do this to you" then he punched me in the face. I was knocked out I had no clue what was happening to me.

I woke probably 2 hours later and I was tied to a chair and all of the boys includeing Brian were circling around me. Then all the boys said there names. One said Logan, the other said Jay, then one said Landen, then the last one said Aiden. I was so confused until all the boys walked away and one boy Logan stayed behind they planned to rape me and keep me here hostage. But I screamed and kicked but they would never stop and Brian just watched the whole time. I was so scared that I would end up pregnant and die but that never happened. One day the boy named Aiden said " You will be free but not from me" I was so scared and worried all night.

1 month later. Everything was the same nothing changed. They all took turns and I was just tied there to the chair screaming and crying. But I was happy when one day the boys left to go back to school. So I tried to escape. I wiggled until I was out of the ropes. But I did not know that Aiden was still here at the cabin. I ran to the door and ran outside. I probably didn't get two steps outside until Aiden tackled me. I screamed and told him " please let me go I won't tell anyone pleases" but he said "NO" and punched me in the face. He drug me far away from the cabin and finally he stopped but he tied me to the tree. I woke up and I was so confused I couldn't even talk. Until Aiden said " Be quiet the others are coming" He stood there hoping I wouldn't say anything but he was wrong I screamed "HELP ME!! Brian, Landen, Logan HELP!!! " but before I could say anything else he covered my mouth and told me "Shut Up" But the other boys never heard me.

Chapter 2 coming soon!! ❤❤

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