Chapter Four

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After the set, you headed back to the dressing to cool down. You had got worked up for nothing. You didn't see Lynn watching you from any of the possible places, once you didn't see her you stated to relax and move around as you lost yourself in the music.

The crowd cheering you on after each song, it was a high that you hadn't experienced or expected. You were definitely looking forward to the rest of the tour. You waved to the crowd before walking back stage to the dressing room. You grabbed the cold water bottle from the vanity and sat down on the couch.

You listened as the music filled the room from the stage. Lynn's voice sounding amazing, you smiled once a plan began to form in your brain. You were gonna get to her like she did to you the first time you met. You walked out of the dressing room and to the part of the stage that didn't light up. You watched as Lynn danced around the stage.

A smile on her face as she watched the crowd sing the words back to her. Every so often her blonde hair would fall and she would move it behind her ear. She was beautiful even if you didn't want to admit, she was actually beautiful when she wasn't trying so hard.

She looked over to you and smiled, as you began to move your hips a little bit. The smile fading as her green eyes turned darker. She turned to look back to the crowd, her eyes every so often looking to yours as you picked up the pace of your hips.

Her resolve crumbling as you watched her began to stumble over her words some. Her cheeks turning red as she finished the last word of the song and stepped back from the microphone getting a quick drink of water.

She looked over to you again and you gave a wink as you moved your hands to the waistband of your pants and slid them down a little bit to reveal a bird tattoo on your right hip. Her tongue going over her bottom lip as the lights began to come back on and she quickly looked to the crowd.

Foot steps behind you causing you to stop your plan as you watched your brother come stand beside you, his eyes on PVRIS as they hyped the crowd up some and danced around. Lynn's attention turning to the stage every so often.

"Good show?" You brother asked you as he pulled you into him, his arm wrapped around your shoulder.

You nodded and smiled as you focused on Lynn,
her eyes looking over at yours every so often as you licked your lips and even moved your hand down your stomach some. Her eyes only growing darker as she watched you tease her and not be able to do anything from up on stage.

Lynn stepped back and grabbed a drink of water before going to the microphone and starting a speech, "How are you guys doing tonight!?"

The crowd cheered and hollered as she smiled looking around the room.

"Good Good, how did you like the band EDEN?" She smiled.

Everyone cheering as Lynn let out a laugh, "They're pretty good huh? Lead singer is very pretty though."

The crowd yelling things like go get her and go Lynn, "I'm trying to get her! Not exactly working." She chuckled as she made eye contact with you.

A smirk on your face as you realized she was pick up the game on you. You folded your arms and bit your bottom lip. Your tongue now running over your lips as you looked her up and down.

Lynn looked back to the crowd and smirked as she began the next song. Her eyes looking to yours as she sang the song, pure lust coming out of her voice.

This isn't violence this is just a war in my head
I give it time but it never seems to end
I feel a fire in the back of my throat
So let's get covered in flames and play some games with the smoke
You said "don't you try to run right now, 'cause baby I could burn you down"
You make your way into my veins
Course right through my limbs and dig your way into my brain
So in the second that you walk, walk into a room
I can't help myself from that thing that you do

You moved around to the music and danced some as you rolled your hips making sure it was enough to make her wonder what more you could do. A smile on your face as she tried to look away but couldn't. The final chord rang out of the song as she stepped back and removed her black jacket.

You let out a laugh that was masked behind the crowd screaming and turned on your heels walking to the dressing room. Her eyes following you as you disappeared. Her main focus at this point was to get through the set and not manage to screw up anymore then she was.

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