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Hello everyone!

I know that I haven't at all posted on this book, in like forever.. But that's not the reason as why I put this here right now...

Up on my instagram, I have been posting a lot of traditional art work. But, I have been feeling sensitive about it, about art work now.

There are these accounts that have been posting comments on my posts, saying it's offencive and are making fun of it.

I feel like these people that are making these accounts are just targeting me, because they only follow me, just to talk shit about me.

I feel like these people are targeting me for my own personal reasons. Like, my artwork, my sexuality, my mental health.

These people are threating me. I don't know why at all. But, I mostly feel like it's because I am an bisexual, depressing artist...

So I don't think I'll be posting anything on my accounts at all until later... I don't really know, until I'll figure all of this out.

These are the people:

1) yourworstdnightmare

2) dannydevitov3
(Deleted their accout)

January 11, 2018


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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