Nowhere I'd Rather Be

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This one-shot took me a while to finish. But it's finally finished.

All the girls will be under 10. There are some dark elements, but they all bond.

Camila only speaks Spanish, but the context should help you in understanding what she is saying.

Song: Me and My Girls
Album: Better Together
Track: 7 (iTune Bonus)
Pairing(s): OT5 (Friendship)


"You're gonna be staying here for a while, okay?" Ms. Olsen said, crouching down in front of a green eyed girl. She had been Lauren Jauregui's social worker for the last three years, since the death of the young girl's parents. A group of men broke into their house and murdered Michael Jauregui, before finding Clara in the bedroom. They did things to her, while Lauren watched from the closet.

Lauren was found two days later, catatonic, dehydrated and hungry. Elizabeth was assigned to the girl, who was traumatized by what she had seen. In the three years in the system, Lauren had been in ten foster homes. Each time, Lauren's anger and her nightmares causing her foster parents to ask for her to be taken somewhere else.

She would wake up in the middle of the night, screaming at the top of her lungs, and when her foster parents or anyone who checked on her, she'd physically fight back. It would happen most nights, with a few nights where Lauren woke up before her nightmares got too bad. Her night terrors had prevented her from making friends.

But she would have moments where she'd get violent and just hit or scream at one of her other foster siblings/parents. After the first three times, Elizabeth had set up for Lauren to have therapy session to help through her emotions, but the younger girl wouldn't talk to her therapist and just go in her own mind.

Lauren didn't have a lot of hope in this house. She didn't really have hope anymore.

The front door opened, as Lauren stepped closer to her social worker. She looked up to see a dark haired woman.

"Elizabeth, and this must be Lauren," the woman said, smiling. She crouched down in front of the six year old. "I'm Selena Gomez, my wife and I will be one of your foster mothers."

Lauren looked down.

"Come in," Selena told them, moving out the doorway. Elizabeth gently pushed Lauren in. The little girl walked into the house.

Lauren looked around the house, seeing another woman and four other little girls. She moved back, hiding behind Elizabeth.

"This is Demi, my wife, and our four foster daughters, Ally, 9, Normani, 6, Camila and Dinah, both 5. They are really nice and excited to meet you Lauren."

Lauren looked at the kids, seeing their attention on her. She surveyed her new foster kids. She stopped caring for names after her fourth home. She wasn't going to stay long enough to actually make a connection, but she learned to study the other kids she lived with, after one of her foster siblings hurt her.

Ally, the oldest, wasn't very tall for most nine year olds she had met. She had a grin on her face, and seemed to be jittery. Normani, the kid that was the same age as her, was watching her. She looked a little scary to Lauren. Camila was the smallest one. She was eating a banana and was holding Dinah's hand. Dinah was pretty tall for a five year old. She was about the same size as Ally. She was smiling, but she still scared Lauren.

(Allyson Hernandez was placed in foster care when she was two. Her parents never explained why. They just gave up their rights to their daughter and disappeared, they never found out what happened to her older brother, and Ally doesn't even remember him. She turned out to be a happy child.

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