Chapter 9: Enchanted to Meet You

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“He kissed me at the party before I got drunk.” Nicki blurted out.


    “Yes…and now its awkward.”

    “Oh, well, you’ll have to face it eventually…if not now, then on the date you promised him.” I reminded her.

    “True…I guess its better now than later. Plus, you’ll be there. You need to be there the entire time, ok?”

    “Yeah sure, no problem, why are you so worried Nicki? It was just a kiss, right?” I said while I was packing a bag with sunscreen and water.

    “He was my first kiss Sam.”


    We finally made it to the beach after an awkwardly silent ten minute drive. I felt like saying something to her, but I really didn’t now what to say. She obviously didn’t feel like talking about  it or she would’ve said something by now. I parked the car and took out the key from the ignition. We sat there for a little before either one of us decided to open a door. I saw Ryan run up to the car and tap on the window. I gave him a smile and got out, followed by Nicki. She gave me a grateful look that I hadn’t asked about what she had said earlier.

    I soon spotted Kelly, Evan, Luke, Kelsey, Chris, and someone who seemed to be his friend. I’ve never seen him before but his dark umber hair was cut short and windswept upwards. His dark brown eyes seemed warm.

    “Hey Sam!” Chris called.

    “Hey Chris!”

    “So, I want you to meet a friend of mine, Noah.” he said gesturing to the guy standing next to him. “He’s an music event coordinator.” I nodded.

    “Hi, I’m Sam.” I said greeting Noah.

    “Hi, it’s nice to meet you. I heard you were great at Dawson’s party.” Noah smiled. He had a great smile and his eyes sparkled.

    “I’m going to leave you guys to talk, ok. I have to catch up with Nicki.” Chris said before he walked away. I was thinking about the last part that Chris said…Nicki…

    “Uh, thanks. I felt pretty good up there.” Noah gave me a grin and then started walking with me towards the water. We sat down on a towel not far from the high tide. I looked at him and familiarity washed over me but I couldn’t figure out who he was. I felt like I’ve met him before, or that we’ve at least spoken sometime.

    Talking to Noah was almost like talking to Nicki. It felt natural and he made me laugh. He was one of those guys who didn’t go flirting with you as soon as you started talking to them, and I liked that a lot.

    I quickly found out he did have a girlfriend that he was serious about and that he hated electronica and dub-step music. I knew his favorite color, food, and even his birthday. He was turning 21 soon and was still in college. He was a really cool guy. I wasn’t attracted to him in any way, but that just means that he’s perfect best friend material. I think I like that about him the most. He was open to me and I was to him as well.

    The sun started to set and I got a text message from Nicki to meet her back by the car so I had to say my goodbye to Noah.

    “Hey, I’ve gotta go.” I said as I got up from the sandy earth below me.

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