Part 10: Court

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January 10, 2018

                               I don't really know how to tell you this. A part of me is too scared to. My mom came into my room today. She never comes into my room unless it's for something important.

"We have to go to the courthouse next Thursday for...", she said to me with a somewhat saddened tone in her voice.

                                I already knew what the event was for the second I heard the word "courthouse". The rest of the sentence was just a white noise to my ears. In that moment, my first thought was, "No, we've already done this before. I don't want to go to a place where I have to dig up the terrifying past that I've been trying to keep buried for a full year now." Wow... I can't believe it's been that long. I shouldn't miss you; I shouldn't want you, either. But I do. Ughhh! Why is love so complicated?!?

                                   I don't want you to go back to jail. I don't want you to have to be so in debt because of all the money you owe because of my mistake. I mean look! You're already doing months upon months of community service to pay off just a fraction of what you already owe. I don't want you to, Adam. Do I lie to them and only agree to the obvious things being true, or do I tell the truth, knowing that as I'm doing so, that we've lost our case and the world against us has won?  I feel like we're stuck going through the 2015 Presidential election again, because I'm stuck between having to choose either a bad choice, or an even worse choice. I don't know what to do, Adam. Whatever the outcome of the court event taking place on January 18, 2018, just know  I'm doing my best and I'm sorry for whatever happens next. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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