Chapter 19: The Welshers

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Chapter 19: The Welshers

Welsh - / welSH/ - Fail to honor (a debt or obligation incurred through a promise or agreement) [Source:]



   Autumn laid Michael's notebook down. She had almost finished reading it. She was relieved her curiosity was satisfied with the information she got from reading it, but she felt extremely guilty. She and Michael made a commitment they wouldn't read each other's notebook, but look at her; she had less than ten pages to go.

   She was amazed, though. While going through the pages of the worn-down notebook, she saw exquisite drawings, such as sketches of eyes -which were apparently hers-. There was also a full sketch of her face, which was extremely amazing. The resemblance was uncanny. And to think he never even had art lessons.

   Her alarm clock rang once again. She looked around and saw the time; it was 4 o'clock in the morning, on the dot. She quickly changed from her pajamas to casual going-out clothes and bolted out of her bedroom. She grabbed her house keys and a chocolate bar, wore her rubber shoes, and ran out the door.

   The sun was only starting to rise, yet excitement and hesitation flushed through Autumn's body as she ran as fast as she can to the stadium. Outside, there were already a couple hundred people waiting in line, cheering and howling, some also crying. Posters of the one and only Michael Jackson were displayed outside. It was the day tickets were being sold to Michael's Bad tour, and she wouldn't dare miss it.

   Yes, she is a friend of Michael Jackson, and she does have certain perks because of that, but taking advantage of their friendship by asking for a concert ticket? That was just damn low; she wouldn't dare do that. Besides, just like the others, she was just another fan of him, whether they were friends or not.

   The crowd, consisting now of a few thousand, went berserk when ticket store opened. People screamed and pushed their way through, for they really wanted to see Michael live. It was probably the most hectic and insane thing Autumn did, being crushed and pushed everywhere, but could you blame her.

   The line literally went on for hours, and she finally reached the store. She had found out the best seats were taken, but she didn't mind. She couldn't afford them anyway; she only bought a ticket for one of the third best seats, which was already kind of way at the back. Nursing and taking care of kids don't really pay much.

   She left the venue with messy, tangled hair, a bleeding lip, and a bruised elbow, yet she had never felt so happy in her life. She was going to see Michael Jackson perform live in a concert from his first solo world tour.


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