Chapter 1 : Prologue

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In practically every science-fiction novel basically ever created, the magic realm would usually go into a war and everything would be in disarray. In this universe, the world of magic is surprisingly peaceful. This land called Kirouna is no exception. Despite of rumors of a nuclear war between the mages of multiple political parties several centuries ago, Kirouna is still a very safe area in the plane of Agitha. Peace rules all and the saying 'The End Justifies the Means" is condemned by the rulers of the land.

Nick was an average guy. He was decent at practically everything except for his favourite subjects, which were the sciences. On the 2nd of January 347, Nick heard the sound of his beeping alarm. His room was decorated with posters of famous pop artists, bright colours contrasting against the dark blue wall. Feeling drowsy, he groaned and covered himself in his blanket in attempt to shield himself from the annoying sound. After 10 minutes of unproductive attempts at falling asleep again, he finally gave in and decided to get ready for another day of High School.

He started the morning by taking a shower. Nick always enjoyed hot showers during the cold winter days. He thought about the various issues that went on in today's modern world. What would happen when the finite resources on Agitha ran out? What if the tension between the 3 political parties grew so big a war ignited? Which presidential candidate would make the best decisions for Kirouna? Of course, Nick had always worried about things that a teenager wasn't supposed to worry about. The touch of warm water against his skin started to get cooler and cooler. Crap, he was running out of hot water. Nick stepped out of the shower feeling tired. He continued to get ready for school, trying not to feel too gloomy in the morning. He left the house with his favourite blue coat as where he lived temperatures reached around -10 degrees celcius during the winter.

He took the closest route to school since he didn't feel in the mood to waste a lot of energy. He admired the beautiful snow that covered the pavement, as if it was trying to hide the grey concrete. Usually, he would wait at the bus stop, but the snow made roads impassable. Students were actually allowed to skip school that day, but of course his parents valued education so they would never allow that. He had walked for about 15 minutes along the pavement and had reached the school at around 7 o'clock in the morning.

It was a marvelous building spanning about 6 acres and boasted the height of 3 stories. The gate to the school was tinted silver as if it had just received a new paintjob. Nick admired the sight of the school covered in snow, it reminded him of the time when he got trapped in the school for 2 hours due to the amount of snow that had piled up in front of the school doorways. He had no cellphone at the time so he couldn't call for help. It was when a janitor discovered him crying on the floor was he able to finally get out of the school. Of course it was also a worthy argument to beg his parents for a cellphone. He grinned at that thought. He was such a child back then.

As he was walking around the school compound on the way to his class, he heard an unusual pace of footsteps behind him gradually getting faster. Did a horse escape a nearby zoo and was now seeking revenge on the human race? Nick turned around to see his friend Avel running towards him shouting his name with no regards to the multiple people eyeing him. The boy had light brown hair, which made his friend look as if he just got out of bed. He was wearing a grey turtleneck and a dark blue sweater, which looked incredibly comfortable. As the seemingly cheerful and excited boy approached his friend, Nick decided to prank the careless boy and give him a slight shock.

As Avel finally caught up, Nick raised his hands as to give him a high five. Avel reciprocated without even a thought about the consequences. Hehe you fell into my trap. As Avel touched Nick's hand, he felt a pain in his fingers and realised they went numb. By the moment he realised it was too late. Nick had given Avel an electric shock of about 50 volts. He looked at his friend in anger.

"What the hell was that for?!" cried Nick.

"You were being too loud"

"Just because you've got electric powers doesn't mean you can abuse me!"

"You can have them if you want, I'd much rather have two lungs than get sick all the time it sucks"

"What the hell are you talking about, you're allowed to skip school more if you get sick"

"Yeah well with my parents they make me go to school even though I'm sick"

"Yikes, your parents really like school don't they"

"Yeah, it can be a pain sometimes"

"You know what's in greater pain? My hand. After you electrically shocked it with no warning" frowned Avel.

"Let's just get to class lol" said Nick with a final laugh.

The two boys trotted to class one in pain and the other in a good mood.

They arrived to class right on time for their first lesson, science. Nick scanned the classroom and saw two empty seats. Their teacher was a middle aged man named Mr. Levias. He was taller than most of the class with sideburns that stretched out until his neck. He looked about ready to start the class and the two boys took their seats.

"Good morning class, today we'll be learning about the 5 elements that we use in our everyday lives." Mr Levi explained while writing something on the clear blackboard.

"In our world, the basic elements that everyone has to learn are Light, Fire, Water, Electricity and Earth. The light element is the easiest to learn as I'm sure most of you have learnt it already followed by Fire, Water, Electricity and Earth."

"Even though Electricity is more powerful and less hard to learn than Earth, only a select few individuals can actually learn this element. The consequences of attaining this incredibly powerful element is that one of the lungs is replaced with organs called the Hunter and Sach organs that produce electricity, similar to the electric eel. Some people are born with these organs, and some transplant their lungs with people naturally born with them in exchange for the aforementioned electric organs. Now that we know how people attain the powers of Electricity, I'd like to ask who here can use the Electric element?" questioned Mr. Levi

Nick and 2 other students raise their hands. One of them was girl with bright red hair and light pale skin, while the other was a boy who looked to be the tallest in the class and had dark black hair. The three students were stared at as if feared and were about to murder the entire class. Nick felt uneasy and desperately wished he'd never put his hand up.

"Good! You can lower your hands. As you may know, Electric users get sick a lot more often as a result of only having one lung. It results in most Electric users sitting out sports and PE lessons at worst."

The rest of Mr Levi's lecture was too boring to pay attention to. Nick had diverted his attention to the two other electric users in his class. The girl was named June, as she had practically labelled everything she owned. The other guy's name was unknown, at least for now. Perhaps he should ask after class? How would he approach such a tall person? He looked popular too, what if he remembers me as the Electric user who raised their hand? Daydreaming was Nick's speciality.

"-and the goal of learning about all of these elements is to, PAY ATTENTION!" Mr Levi yelled at the unsuspected daydreaming Nick. "S-Sorry, Mr. Levi" Nick replied. The class went on as usual and they spent the rest of the class learning about combining different elements to create a totally different one, convergence for short.

After class, Nick reunited with his friend Avel and asked if he should befriend one of the Electric users. Avel responded with a slow nod. This was it. He was going to introduce himself to someone new. His heart started to beat faster and blood started pumping faster and faster. His anxiety levels went up the closer and closer he approached the very tall Electric user. Mustering all of his courage. Nick was getting closer and closer to the boy and immediately started getting even more nervous. A bead of sweat rolled down his cheek even though the temperatures were freezing.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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