the incident

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a young face waits at a bus stop.

waiting for the bus to arrive, they inhale the fresh air of rain.

the sound of rain is pleasant

although quite unnerving at times,

it was calming.

a vehicle was heard in the distance

assuming it was the bus,

they quickly grab their school bag and stand up

when someone pushes them behind a large tree nearby

mouth being covered,

the bus stops

no one steps in

not after five minutes,

not after ten minutes.

the students had never taken a liking to them

but they had never expected to not see their face every five days a week,

they felt uneasy.

outside the bus,

no one could have guessed

that this was the last breath

they'd ever take

or the last step

they'd ever take

just as the bus took off,

they see a fragment of a weaponed shadow.

the roaring thunder accompanied by heavy downpour is threatening and,

they scream.

the students and bus driver included heard it

it was chilling and filled with agony.

little did they know that,

on the ground covered with blood,

with a knife deep in their flesh,

was a girl we called


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