the new hobby clio x reader

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You went a walk and you saw a place and it wrote out (beyblading,magic tricks and other)and you went in that place and you saw a mrs with royal style and you said.

"Um...hi my name is y/n and I saw that place and i came here for beyblading and magic tricks"

"Oh yes,where do you want to go first?"

"Im prefering to go first to magic tricks"

"Okay then,follow me y/n"

And you followed that mrs with royal style and you arrived in the room with magic tricks and you waiting and you said a guy with white hairs,purple eyes and black cape and he said.

"Hey, whats your name?"

"My name is y/n"

"And my name Is clio delon ,nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"

And clio gave his hand for handshake and you gave your hand for handshake and you felt a sweet emotion and that day passed nice and you went to your home and it was night and you went in your room and you lay on your bed and you didnt feel asleep and you took your headphone and your phone and you heard music and a moment you thought and said inside you.

"Idk but from first time I saw clio I felt a sweet emotion and that was first time I saw him anyway now I go to sleep,tomorrow is a new day"

And you went to sleep,its morning and you woke up and you went to that place and when you went in the room with magic tricks you sit on a chair and you heard a voice and said.

"Hey y/n you came so early but Im me too here"

And you saw clio

"Oh hey clio how are you?"

"Im fine you?"

"Im fine too!"


And then clio began to have a shy face and said.

"Oh y/n"


"Do you have messenger?"

"Yes I do" (im sorry if you dont have)

"Whats your name on messenger?"

"Is y/n"

"Nice,i'll text you on messenger"


And that day passed good and today and you went to your home and you saw your mum and your mum said.

"Hey, y/n how was your day today?"

"Was nice mum now im go to in my room"


And you went in your room and you took your phone and you saw a message on messenger and you saw that messege.

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