Fun Facts About Sora!

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Fun Facts About Some of My OC's:


-Is actually based on the author:same hair style but longer, attitude and weapon. (Yea.I was taught sword fencing) And is also based on Kingdom Hearts Sora (But I made up the last name, little did I know that the Kingdom Hearts fans call him Sora Keyheart O_O )

-Her original design is different. She's supposed to have flaming red hair with golden tips, emerald eyes, freckles and pretty tall. She's also supposed to be a ninja and her weapons are daggers and shurikens, but I changed it.

-Her last name is supposed to be Kurenai so that her name means Crimson Sky, but I also changed it -_-

-I thought once of creating a twin sister named Chou, but again, I changed it.

-Is afraid of Phantumps

-Likes to prank Drew

-Keeps her hair long and never cuts it, only cuts it if she is going to 'forget some of her memories'

-Was sometimes mistaken as a Mega Absol because of her hair and wings

-Has already mastered a few weapons: bow, sword,spear and whip

-Usually acts childish when alone and plays dolls with her Pokémon

-As mentioned before, she ships Rayquaza and Dradian

-Once thought that Drew is gay with Takeo XD Or that Drew is gay with Rafe (LaRousseCockyBastardShipping XD)

-Secretly has a crush on Takeo, but doesn't know

-Likes ice cream even though she hates ice O_o Oh the irony!

-Often wonders if there are people who ship her and May as a yuri couple

-Same with Drew. Wait. O_O

-Sometimes people mistake her as a new species of Pokémon

-Other favorite types besides dragon are flying and fire

-Plays an ocarina

-Loves Vocaloids and is nearly Miku's look-alike

-Is actually in love with Cubchoo, but is afraid because it's an ice type

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