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Logan put the potato chip up to his mouth when he heard something.
"P-pwease!! Don't eat me mwister Wogan!!!!"
"What the actual hecc"
"H-hewwwo!!!1! I'm chipper!!1! Pwease don't eat me and painfully end my life!!"
And so, Logan didn't v o r e Chipper, instead he cuddled them.
"Mm ya cuddle me harder dabby"
He cuddled the salty snack harder, whilst making sure not to crush them, even though he was secretly into that.
"Uwah!!!1! I can feel weenie growing harder!!" chipper moaned out.
Turns out chipper had a peeny, Logan kinda liked it though.
Chipper moved their crusty, salty hands over to remove their pants. "Mwister wogan pwease!!1 help me!"
After some struggling with chipper's pants, they were finally nude. They were about to do the fickle when they both realized they didn't have condoms, nor lube.
"fuck it guess I'll die" Logan said, sounding even more depressed than he usually does. Chipper and Logan ended up cuddling and thinking about what could've been.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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