chapter ten: Rum

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"There is one here in Poland, and the Baltic. and the sixth one was about..." Steve said as he looked at the map.

I stepped forward and pointed at the map, "here, about 30 or 40 miles west of the marginal line."

"I just got a quick look," Steve said with a shrug.

"Well, nobody's perfect," I said as I went back to where I was. "These are the weapon factories we know about though, so I hope they don't make any new ones. Other than their main facility that is..."

"Sergeant Barnes said that Hydra shipped all the parts to another facility, that isn't on this map," Steve added to clarify my last statement.

"Agent Carter coordinate with MI6. I want every allied eyeball looking for that main Hydra base." Colonel Phillips ordered: "Stark, get your brother to actually work, and look at the gibberish you brought back."

"What about us?" Steve asked.

"We are going to set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass," Phillips answered. "What do say, Rogers? It's your map. You think you can wipe Hydra off of it?"

"Yes, Sir. I'll need a team." Steve said.

"We're already putting together the best men," Phillips added.

"With all due respect, Sir. So am I." Steve said making me raise an eyebrow. Phillips just nodded and walked away.

"So, exactly who is going to be on this team?" I asked curiously.

Steve smiled, "the only men I know are the ones we got out."

"So, Bucky and those other guys who joked in languages that they didn't know," I said.

"That would be them."

"Well, you're in good hands then. Though you're going to need some weapons and armor."

"You know how to make those?" Steve asked.

I shrugged, "Howard is the expert in mass destruction. However, I am almost as good at building those kinds of things as he is."

"Almost?" Steve asked curiously.

"Well, I have a daughter..." I said awkwardly. "After she was born, the parts of me like Howard went away. I always valued life, but there is just something that makes you want to make sure you don't help destroy it when you hold one in your arms. Well, I'll make sure to tell Howard and give you a time later."

I quickly began to walk away when Steve gently touched my arm, "I'm sorry."


"Are you sure you don't want to go with me?" I asked as I did my hair.

Peggy coughed, "positive."

"It's a shame that you became sick, I heard that this place actually has a decent supply of wine."

"You and your obsession with wine," Peggy said as she tried to laugh, but only sounded like a dying cat.

"I'm Italian, what do you expect? Fondue?" I questioned as I pinned the last bit of my hair back.

"Well, that is what Howard prefers."

"He's weird."

"Are you going to wear that boring blue dress?" Peggy asked as she held up my dress.

I shrugged, "I don't want to overdress."

"You'll be the only lady there, overdress Helena," Peggy said as she started looking through my small supply of dresses. "You should wear this." She announced as she held up a striped dress.

I looked at it apprehensively, "I don't know... It seems overly flashy."

"I was going to wear a red dress," Peggy said in a dead voice.

"But you're you! I'm just a widow..." I muttered as I pulled the blue dress off of the hanger.

"You are a mother and an amazing mechanic," Peggy said as she pulled the dress out of my hands and shoved the other one into my now empty hands. "Besides, if I remember correctly, your daughter gave this to you. Might as well wear it."

I sighed as I looked at the striped dress, "fine."

"You'll have a lot of fun and look amazing too," Peggy said as I put it on.

I bit my lip as I checked my reflection, "I haven't worn anything this nice in years."

"Well, now is the time to treat yourself," Peggy replied as she kicked me out of our room. I sighed as I walked. I was just leaving when Howard appeared in front of me.

"You look nice." He commented in surprise.

I rolled my eyes, "what do I look like normally?"

"Like my sister."

I sighed, "what do you want Howard?"

"Since you're the only one still not at the loud bar they call a good drinking joint, can you deliver a message to the Captain for me?"

"What is it?" I asked.

"I just need him to check a few things out tomorrow, I'll need you too, now that I think about it. So tomorrow morning." Howard said nodding happily.

"Alright, now if you will excuse me... I need to go and make a fool out of myself." I said as I walked around him, but Howard grabbed my wrist.

"You look beautiful Helena." He said sincerely then pushed me forward. I smiled back at him as I continued on my way. I slowly made my way across the street towards the noise and stood in front of the door silently as I watched people, not saying anything as the laughed, sang, and generally just pretended the way didn't exist.

I took a deep breath as I walked in and then the men slowly fell silent. I ignored it as elegantly made my way towards the back where I assume Steve is, mostly because I don't see him anywhere right now. Then I found him, talking with his friend, and they were watching me...


"Helena," He replied.

"Ma'am," Bucky added.

"Howard has some equipment for you to try. Tomorrow morning." I said, not knowing what else I could say.

"Sounds good," Steve answered.

"I see your top squad is prepping for duty," I commented when I looked over at the men.

"You don't like music?" Bucky asked me flirtatiously.

"I do, actually." I said as I looked back at Steve, I might even, when this is all over, go dancing."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Bucky suggested.

"The right partner," I said softly, not breaking eye contact. "Pay attention, Captain," I added, then I looked at his friend one last time.

"Yes, Ma'am," Bucky said for him.

"I'll be there," Steve said as I turned around and began to walk out.

"I'm invisible. I'm turning into you. It's a horrible dream." I heard Bucky exclaim just as I walked out.

When I went back to my room Peggy looked up surprised, "back so soon?"

"You were right, it was a lot of fun."


Helena Stark: A WWII WidowWhere stories live. Discover now