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Slowly....very slowly....calming her pounding heart & gathering every single ounce of courage...she moved towards d dark room....but d moment she got in...her breath hitched......a shiver ran down her spine...her lips trembled....& a lone hot tear rolled down her eyes seeing d person standing against d window....with his back towards her....seeing him after all these years ....she couldn't control anymore...& a loud sob escaped her trembling lips.....as if in a flash she pressed her fist in between her teeth & suppressed another heart clenching sob....with shivering body & teary eyes....she took steps.... painfully slow & short....when she reached near him....her legs as of their own stopped there....with shaky breaths & aching heart she lifted her shivering hand to touch him...but couldn't....with a silent cry....she pulled her hand back....wiped her tears , composed herself & stood beside him against d window ....looking out at d lone moon....just like him....mins passed....there was silence.... painful silence....when she heard a cold voice...."u r back...." She knew It wasn't a question....it was a statement....unable to utter a word she meekly nodded her head....after a min or two she hesistantly asked..." How r u?..."...again there was silence.....soul shattering silence ...when she again asked..." Couldn't u love again....?".....she of all d people knew he wouldn't reply....but deep down somewhere she wanted him to....mins passed but he didn't say anything.... sighing sadly she looked at him....he looked same like before..jaw clenched,aura as intimidating as before..... deep black cold eyes...with drizzling fire in them.....but that's not what caught her attention.....there was pain in them....soul wrenching pain......again hot tears made there way down her cheeks... unknowingly her hand moved up to his cheeks but stopped an inch before.....seeing him like this she couldn't control herself & turned around as quickly as possible to leave....because she knew another min here....beside him & she would break down....just when she turned around to leave she heard him....." Do u c that star....there at that corner..???..."....that didn't answer her question....with a light frown & confused face she turned around & looked where he was pointing.....there she saw a lone star....observing it for few sec...she saw its light was dimming...it was far away from other stars as if a lone star in the whole sky.....her trance broke when she heard him...." that reminds me of someone I know....." Saying this he looked straight in her eyes....his dark cold eyes said a million unsaid things...there was pain,hurt anger,but most of all there's was love.....unable to hold his gaze she gulped & looked down....& Said with tears brimming at d corner of her eyes..."i couldnt c u like this....it hurts so much.....dont do this to yourself. ......it's been years Veer. ..years....she is gone....do u hear me  ...she is gone....she would never come back....never....leave her....her memory is killing u....move on veer.....move on....give urself another chance.....give love another chance...." Saying d last line in a whisper she looked at him...her eyes met his dark one & for another moment she forgot everything her pain....life....everything & got lost in them....that's when he heard him laughing... menacingly....her breath caught in her chest when she heard him..." Move on u say....move on....tell me jiya could live without ur breaths??? Could u live without ur heart??? Could u live without ur soul??? Above all could u live without ur life......thn how could I live without her.....she is in every breath I take....in every heartbeat tht I feel....in every thing I see....she is everywhere .....everywhere.....without her it fucking hurts to breath.....I feel dead....she was in me more than I could have been myself....without her I don't feel my soul....I don't feel my soul...."....very slowly he raised his hand & touched his forehead saying...."I could feel her here..." Sliding his finger down ...he kept it on his nose "here...." Thn he touched his cheeks...."here..." Thn his ears "here....".....very slowly he touched his lips & said in a heart crushing painful tone...."even here....." I feel her everytime....everywhere......but of all I feel her here....." With shaking hands & tear filled eyes he moved to his heart & shouted in a painful voice...."HERE!!!!! " he started punching his chest & cried aloud....."HERE..... HERE....HERE....." saying this he slid down against d window & said all crying ....."I feel her everywhere jiya....without her I'm nothing.....nothing.....every fucking day....I breath....but it's only my body that's living....I have been dead.....dead since d moment she left me.....dead...".....then he looked up at her & said laughing...." & U say move on.......".....seeing him like this....she became numb....her heart bleeded seeing him in this much pain.....she cried....for him...for his love....f...for herself.....unable to look anymore she turned around & ran towards d door all crying ....when she heard a whisper...." Living without one u love is a curse jiya....worst thn curse....I'm breathing without her & my every single breath is killing me more.....but u won't understand it jiya ....u won't....bcoz u never loved someone.....not this much......" d moment she heard this....something fell from her fist.....rolling on d ground...she stood there frozen....hearing him her broken pieces of heart crashed .....there was an unexplainable pain in d middle of her chest....in that single moment she lost everything..... everything....without looking back....she walked out like a dead body......hours passed by when Veer stood up lifelessly & started moving towards window.....but thn he stopped suddenly  feeling something under his shoes.....he bend down to pick it up " ring????........what is it doing here???".....looking closely he identified it to b jiya's.ofcourse why wouldn't he....he had seen his best friend wearing this since she was in 6 standard....he knew jiya loved this ring with her life.....lovingly he picked it up.....but in a moment he stood frozen....his breath hitched.....heart beats long forgotten..cold dreaded feeling in d pit of his stomach....a tear rolled down his eyes unknowingly when he read the inscripted words on d ring....." ...Veer..".....

°°°°°°°Short.... right?...I know....but that would be all for today....will definitely come up with the grt stories ahead....

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