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Can you please tell your friends and family about this story? for my 500 readers celebration I'm giving you two choices. comment A for Q n A or B for Minecraft multiplayer!

UPDATESSSSS!!! And moar OCs!!!!!

Here is le OCs

From @ElementalEnderGamer

Endra, age15, Female, Ender /Dark sorceress, Ender/Fallen angel, Raven black hair with purple streaks white headband around her head with a multi-colored ender pearl in the middle long black dress black slippers, long purple robe with silver lining, secret compartments within robe,pale skin, and brown eyes. Hybrid look: same but eyes are purple with silver swirls,ender pearl on headband has a crack has a multi colored aroura mostly black purple and silver, and hands have a lavender robe, black angel wings covered by a robe she never takes off.

Ok @ElementalEnderGamer by giving me your OC you have given me permission to do WHATEVER I want with her.



"Brice.." He whispered "It's day. Bye..." I ran out the door and it was daytime. I sighed and walked along the street. As I passed the apothacary(?) a girl about 15 rushed out and stopped when she saw me "Hello, King Solace." She smiled and waved "Brice is fine," I said "What's your name?" "Endra," she said "How are you?" "Fine, how about you?" "Good, well, Brice. I have to go, bye."


I got back to 'home' and immediately(?) got out a paper and pencil and drew Endra. Her black hair and all. Once I finished, I heard a knock on my window, I looked out and saw Seto "Help?" I laughed and opened up the window "Seto, I thought you were a sorcerer?" "Oh, yeah... Come here!!" "Fine," and  jumped out the window and landed face first in the grass "I was expecting to be like a cat and land on my feet." "I found a turtle." Seto replied "It was annoyed at the fish..." "But I have a turtle


YOU DONT KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO WRITE TURTLE WITHOUT TYPING TURDLE!!!! *heavy breathing* Ok I'm calm @mrsminecraft91 I'm adding the OCs evrry chapter.

SetoSolace- Story of Two Rulers (STATUS: ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now