Chapter 26: Baby, Don't Give Up

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"I-I'm sorry Ai-san. L-let me explain.", my voice stuttered as Ai-san looked at me with a blank face.

"It's been a long time.", Ai-san said while she walked towards me and Momo.

"Yes, a very long time.", Momo answered her making me look at them weirdly.

"Eh?", I said out of nowhere.

"She's my cousin. The one I'm talking to you about.", Ai-san winked at me as she hugged Momo tightly.

"Eh?! Honto ni?!", I yelled a bit, making them laugh at me.

"Honto." They both answered me on the same time.

"Now I know who's the other person Keito is talking to me about.", Momo chuckled as she placed her arms over Ai-san's shoulders. "I thought there's another stranger who will discover this place."

"So you discovered this place Momo-san?" I asked her as she glared at me.

"Yes Babe. As what I've said, I'm a bit mysterious.", she answered me.

"Oh! You call each other 'Babe'.", Ai-san said while she's nodding. "Keito is indeed a bad person then."

"Eh? What are you talking about? My Keito is not a bad girl!", Momo spanked Ai-san's butt.

"Nothing.", she slapped Momo's butt too.

"Yah! Tell me! If you don't have an exact reason, you don't have the right to call her that!", Momo argued with Ai-san.

"Hey! I'm hungry! Let's go now!", I grabbed both of them.

"Yes, me too.", Momo answered as she placed her arms on my hips.

"You're always hungry.", Ai-san teased her.

We arrived on the nearest restaurant where there's only a few people around. I'm glad that Momo doesn't have to hide herself anymore. Momo is right beside me and Ai-san is in front of me.

"Excuse me, I'll go to the comfort room.", Momo excused herself leaving me and Ai-san alone.

"What have you done?", Ai-san glared at me making me nervous again.

"I- I'm sorry. It's just... I'm really in love with your cousin.", I gulped as I hold back my tears.

"You just violated the fifth rule.", she sighed. "Don't tell me you have violated the other rules also?"

"No, I didn't."

"You didn't tell her your real identity? You didn't broke other rules?"

"I didn't.", I looked down as my eyes are becoming teary.

"So what do you want to break? My cousin's heart?", disappointment is visible on Ai-san's face.

"I-i have to stay here to be with her for a long time.", I clenched my jaw as I pleaded her.

"You shouldn't tell her about your real identity. Tell her only when you're done with your responsibility in our school.", she sighed.

"So, you won't send me home?", I held her hands.

"No. You're like my sibling already. Besides, I can see that my cousin's really in love with you."

"Thank you Ai-san!", I cheered up.

Momo's POV

I just got out from the comfort room and I saw Keito holding my cousin's hands with a wide smile on her face. I know it's not good to be jealous with my cousin but, I cant help it. Am I being too possessive?

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