Logicality's movie night~

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~What is up everybody? It's been a while since I've written anything and i know I've promised Lemons but I'm just not up for writing Lemons so instead lets have some Logicality fluff yes? Yes. Be prepared for all the mushy moments~!~

Logan sat in his room, reading a book quietly to himself. It had been a really long day of helping Thomas out with a few things, so he wanted to relax the rest of the day. He had a coffee mug sitting next to him as he read. He was reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire...Again. Patton was shifting through things in his room, sighing heavily. He wanted to relax, but at the moment Thomas was thinking about how much he missed his family. He thought for a moment. An old movie sounded good right now, but he didn't want to watch it alone. Roman and Virgil were.....busy....So he went towards Logan's room, putting on a smile as best as he could. He knocked on the door, pretending to be his usual excited and energetic self. It was a lot harder with Thomas being all sad, but still he managed somehow.

Logan looked up from his book and sighed. He put it down and stood up, going over and cracking open the door. "Hey, Patton, what's going on? Do you need me for something?" He asked. Patton smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie or something. I'm bored and i don't wanna watch a movie alone..." Logan couldn't help but noticed something was off about Patton, but decided not to bring it up and agreed to watch a movie with him. "What movie?" He asked. Patton lit up a bit. "Peter Pan!" Logan smiled a bit. "Alright then sounds nice. Shall i cook up some popcorn?" Patton nodded. "Yeah i'll go get the movie up and started.." As soon as they separated Patton let his face rest and put on a straight face. "Smiling is hard sometimes..." He mumbles to himself. He got the movie ready and sat on the couch waiting for Logan to finish making the popcorn.

Logan soon returned and joined Patton on the couch. Patton smiles and starts the movie up, taking a piece of popcorn and popping it in his mouth. Logan sighed a bit and looked over at him. "Patton, Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. Patton bit his lip and sighed a bit. "Yeah...Just been thinking a bit is all, come on let's just watch the movie" He nods and they watch a movie. As the Movie progressed, Patton got more and more....Sad looking. Logan was getting worried, so he scoots a little closer. Patton looks down. Sometimes when he was remembering old memories he just couldn't handle it. "Hey...Patton...If you need to talk about it I'm always available." He gently put a hand on his shoulder. Paton sniffles and looks down. "S-Sorry..." He leans into Logan's touch slightly, still looking down. "I just...Thomas has been thinking a lot about his past, how his family used to be...and how much he misses everyone..." Logan nods. "Yeah i have noticed his thinking seemed...off.."

Patton shook his head a bit and leaned on Logan completely. Logan, seeing as he usually doesn't have any feelings, couldn't help but blush a little at this. "If it would help you can stay in my room for the night...If you like..." Patton looked up at him. "Maybe being away from my room, where all the memories are, will help a bit." Logan nodded. "Exactly what I was thinking" Patton smiled and nodded. "Yeah....Sounds good..." Logan smiles and looks at him for a moment, before slowly wrapping an arm around him. He blushed and looked down as he felt his arm move around him. "Thanks Logan...For everything..." He said as he was trying his hardest not to tear up right now. Logan pulled him in close now wrapping both of his arms around him. "Patton if you're going to cry it's unhealthy to hold it in..." He nods and tears up, turning around and hiding his face in Logan's chest. Logan held him close, a light blush spreading across his face.

Once the movie was over, Logan noticed Patton had fallen asleep on him and sighs a bit, carefully picking him up to bring him to his room with him. He hoped he wouldn't wake up as he started carrying him. Patton smiled lightly in his sleep, curling into the other's arms. As Logan goes to lay him down on the bed, he opens his eyes. "Logan....Can you sleep with me?" He asked. Logan nods. "Planned on it..." He lays down in front of him, pulling him closer. Patton smiles and plants a sweet little kiss on Logan's lips. He blushed a little and kissed back, before pulling away and closing his eyes. "Goodnight, Patton...." Patton too closes his eyes, cuddling into his chest. "Goodnight, Logan..." They both soon fall fast asleep.

~That's all for that but i feel like doing a cute little morning bit so here that goes!~

Logan woke up with a yawn, and a slight stretch. He looks down to see Patton is cuddled into his chest, arms wrapped around him. He chuckles a bit and wraps an arm around him. "Patton....It's morning..." Patton groans and curls into his chest a bit. "Nuu...." He mumbled. Logan rolled his eyes and tried to sit up- only to be dragged back down by Patton. "Nooo!" He huffed. "Alright alright a little longer..." He sat with him until he finally decided to wake up. Once they were both up Logan went to go make coffee and breakfast. As he was cooking Patton hugs him from behind, watching him cook. "Really Patt...?" Logan rolls his eyes. Patton giggles and buries his face in the others back.

~Alright that's it for now~~

Sander Sides+ Thomas x Reader one shots!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ