My OC :)

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This chapter is dedicated for more information on my oc/rp character and to give a little more background. :)

 :) —————

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Full Name: Jodi Lynn WaltersNicknames: Jodes, Greenie, Green Girl, My Gamma Gal (by Scott) Appearance: long brown hair, dark green eyes, pale skin, light freckles across her face, slim build

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Full Name: Jodi Lynn Walters
Nicknames: Jodes, Greenie, Green Girl, My Gamma Gal (by Scott)
Appearance: long brown hair, dark green eyes, pale skin, light freckles across her face, slim build. (Faceclaim- Lana Del Rey)
Favorite Food: Red Velvet Cupcakes
Favorite Colors: Emerald Green and Turquoise
Personality: kind, stubborn, caring, independent, impatient, a bit bossy, quick-tempered, and keeps her walls up until she fully trusts you.
Family: Morris Walters (father), Elaine Banner-Walters (mother/deceased), Jennifer Walters (older sister), Brian Banner (uncle/deceased), Rebecca Banner (aunt), and Bruce Banner (cousin)
Pet: Maxwell, a Great Dane
Field of Study: Anthropology (the study of various aspects of humans with past and present societies)
Occupation: Student (former), Anthropologist (former), Avenger (current)
Theme Song: Cherry by Lana Del Rey
Love Interest: Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Superhero Alias: Gamma Ray Gal
Superpowers: unlike the others in the "Hulk Family", she can't transform into a giant green rage monster. Instead, she shoots green gamma-powered "flames" that can cause mutations in the cells and damage cellular mechanisms, plus if she continuously hits her target, it could cause enough damage to kill cells and lead her target into radiation poisoning. Although she can't turn into a hulk form, she does get a slight green tint to her skin and her eyes glow a neon green when she is angry. She is also capable of super strength (although not quite as strong as Hulk's or She-Hulk's). She is trained in hand to hand combat, with the help of Natasha and Steve. Although not nearly as smart as Bruce or Jennifer, she does have her fair share of intelligence.
Weaknesses: She is extremely sensitive to high doses of gamma radiation, even though it is what brought her her powers. Too much gamma radiation could lead her to 'overdose' and could end up killing her. Another one of her weaknesses is her own anger and self doubt. She is like the Hulk in the sense that the angrier she gets, the stronger she gets. But, because of this, it leads her into blind rage which could get her into trouble or do something she wouldn't want to do. As for self doubt, she is always scared that she won't do the right thing or end up failing her teammates.
Quotes: "It's not easy being green.", "You're a dork, Lang.", "I respect your opinion. But that doesn't mean that I'll agree with it.", "If my life didn't revolve around red-velvet cupcakes, maybe I'd be in better shape.", and "You should probably shut the fuck up before you get blasted into that wall."

Background: Jodi was born and raised in Los Angeles, California with her sister Jennifer but often visited Bruce and his family during the summers. She and Bruce often bonded over books in the library and musicians such as Mozart and Beethoven, but she and her sister had never really been that close until later on.

She had heard about the notorious Incredible Hulk, but had never thought much about it, until she had spotted him while studying at NYU For Anthropology. The raging green monster was running across the city and destroying everything in sight and she noticed a little boy stuck in the street where the Hulk was headed. Using her heart and not her brain, she ran out into the street to save the little boy. She knew it would be too late to try and grab him and run away so she used her body to shield the boy's. The Hulk stopped in front of them and looked into her eyes before his expression softening and he began shrinking down before changing back to Bruce.

She took him to her apartment before the police could arrive after taking the little boy to a safe place and made Bruce sleep on her bed as she took care of him, also making him tell her the story of how he had gotten himself into his predicament and why he hadn't called her or Jen.

Soon after, Jennifer had gotten shot while she was across the country in New York City, but as soon as Bruce had called her and informed her, she got on the first flight she could find and flew down to Los Angeles to see her. She stayed with Jennifer every night that it took or her to heal and was one of the first people to witness She-Hulk.

A couple months after the incident, she decided to move back down to Los Angeles to be closer to her sister and be able to calm her down when She-Hulk appeared. Soon, she started dating a man named Quinn. He had been in her Anthropology class and they had hit it off immediately and got coffee together on multiple occasions before officially dating. They had been dating for about 3 years before Quinn proposed and she of course said yes.

About 2 months before the wedding, Quinn has been acting strange. Always on the phone with someone from work and always asking more and more about Bruce and Jennifer. Finally, on a cold October night, Quinn said he was taking her on a date which she had happily agreed to. He drove for hours and hours until she got so tired she fell asleep. When she awoke, she was strapped down to a table of what looked like to be a laboratory where men and women in lab coats stood around her writing down notes and Quinn stood and talked to them.

She blinked a couple of times in a haze before she had realized that her mouth was covered and Quinn was in a uniform with the Hydra symbol on his shoulder. She began struggling out of the restraints before she felt a sharp pain in her neck and blacked out again.

For what felt like years but really only months, she was tortured and experimented on with gamma radiation. They pushed her to the limits and almost to her breaking point but could not find the right amount of dosage to turn her into a hulk. They could only enhance her strength and make her have gamma blasts.

Finally, salvation came when the Avengers attacked the Hydra base and found her, alone in her cell, curled up into a ball and crying. They rescued her from the base, but she had been to weak to even remember what had happened.

Natasha brought her to the infirmary, where Bruce stayed with her day and night until she was treated back to health. Soon after she had come back to a healthy state, Steve and Natasha began training her to control her powers and to defend herself.

Once she had fully controlled her powers, she had been asked to join the Avengers, which she had agreed to and fought along side with them.

Until the events of Civil War, she had kept her walls up and stopped any romance from into her life, trying to close up the scar that Quinn had left. She was afraid of opening up to anyone that she might've been romantically attracted to, and kept her distance from relationships. That was, until she met Scott Lang.

That's all for now :) I hope you guys like the little insight to her life and the OC. I'll be tagging a few people that I role play with and know about the oc, so I hope you guys don't mind.
Yavanna80 LillyWillow13 MarielaCasta Belle_of_Asgard Ash-Rogers

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