Karma sucks

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Mikey's POV

Do about a week ago Bryce pranked me with a fake hickey I'm gonna get him back I set up a camera in the living room and I wait for Bryce to come home
As soon as Bryce comes home he kisses me and we talk for a little bit then I tell him we need to talk...
B: what do we need to talk about baby
M: Bryce I think we should break up
I saw the smile fade and the tears build in his eyes
B: what!?
M: I just don't think we are working
He starts crying
B: Mikey your the love of my life plz I need you
What he says melts my heart then I decide to say one more thing then tell him it's a prank
M: I never really liked you a just used you for the fans

Bryce POV

As soon as he said then I dropped to my knees sobbing then I felt his arms around me giggling then I new it was a joke. I look up and see him holding the camera and I hug him
B: thank god you joking baby
M: I'm sorry but I had to get you back
B: I know I deserved it
I kiss him and wipes away my tears then Mikey shuts off the camera
M: I love you so much
B: promise?
M: of course

Still Bryce POV
Me and Mikey were cuddling on the couch and he told me he was hungry
M: Brycycakes?
B:yes baby?
M: can we go out to eat plz baby
B: of course go get ready
We get ready and get in the car and Mikey plays closer by the chain smokers (it's a really good song) we sing along and I pull into the parking lot and I park my car. We go inside and eat and our waiter flirts with Mikey then gives him his number after we pay
B: are you kidding me
M: baby it's ok I'm not gonna use it
B: it's not of your my boyfriend no guys should be giving you there number

Mikey POV
I see the sadness in his eyes and I feel bad
M: Brycycakes?
B: what baby
M: are you mad at me
I see the look in Bryce's eyes when he realizes how he mad me feel
B: no not at all I'm just a little jealous
We kiss then go home and go to bed but before we do that I throw away the number

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