my summer gone wrong chapter one

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My summer going wrong......

"Sue are you sure you want to go on this trip??" I asked her over the phone and yet again I got the same reply, I could just imagine her rolling her eyes. "Lora common it's our trip, the trip we've always dreamed of just you and me. Sisters forever right?" "Oh okay okay when are we leaving?" I think she heard the fear in my voice. "Lora I know you have a feeling that something's going to go wrong but everything will be great you'll see." I heard her sigh, but what she didn't know is that it wasn't just a feeling, I knew that something bad was going to happen, just don't ask me how.

'Well I never saw it coming, should of started running a long long time ago' I heard myself sing along with my stereo uhmm wait is this a sign after I just spoke with sue?? Lorinda snap out of it your getting paranoid. I mean it can't be a sign right, of course it's not oh my word now I'm arguing with myself again and people think I'm normal?! I know I'll start packing that will get my mind off things right? I turned the volume on high and while I was packing I randomly started dancing in front of the mirror, hair flying all over the place. Having one of those moments where you forget about everything except here and now. Then suddenly WHACK BAM BOOM you're pulled back into reality.

Like now, I just saw a head popping in around the door and that's when it hit me Kyle was coming for tutoring today and here he was. Seeing me still wearing my pj's, dancing in front of the mirror need I say more? Oh and did I mention his totally H.O.T. Wait is he blushing? I'm suppose to be blushing not him uhmm okay weird! "Hey Lora uhmm sorry I'm late, is this bad timing?" I heard him ask. "Oh hi Kyle to be honest I completely forgot but uhmm if you don't mind waiting in the living room I'll be right there." I tried giving him a warm smile but I felt my face reddening. "Okay ya sure of course." He gave me one last look, headed out the door closing it. Wait till sue hears about this I couldn't help but smile. While getting dressed I just imagined her response... OMG Lora are you serious? Kyle saw you in your Pj's ooo he must of liked that hahahaha. I went down to the living room and saw him sitting on our big green lumpy couch like he didn't belong. He looked strangely uncomfortable today maybe because of what just happened. That's when he looked up at me and started blushing again; he looked so cute when he blushed.

"I'm really sorry about what just happened, it's just that your mom called and you didn't answer so she said I would find you in your room." I heard him say. "Oh Kyle it's nothing, forget about it. So what shall we be studying today?" I smiled at him and he seemed to relax a bit. I sat down next to him and got my history book on the coffee table and opened it where we last stopped. I started explaining to him about all the horrible Tudors like Henry the mean monarch, Horrible Henry, little Ed, Misery Mary and many more.

Then all of a sudden he leaned closer and kissed me. I expected fireworks, I mean I've dreamed about kissing him every girl in school has but I felt nothing. Great Lora the hottest guy in school is kissing you and you feel nothing? Not even a tiny butterfly in your tummy? He pulled away and said with a disappointed look on his face. "I should go." He got up and was half way to the door when I said without thinking "Kyle wait." He looked around and smiled at me hopefully. "What about your history final?" Before I even realized what I said he was out the door. Nice Lora, nice. Friday couldn't possibly come soon enough. Then it's just me, sue and the open road.

The next day at school I only saw Kyle in history and I didn't get a chance to speak to him. I didn't even know what to say but I felt horrible about what happened. The rest of the day went by in a fast hazy blur. I got home made sure I packed everything for the hundredth time. Why did I even start packing so soon we're only leaving tomorrow night for peats sake? I didn't know what to do it would be the last day of school tomorrow so no homework for me. I tried watching some T.V but nothing good was showing. I even tried reading. Hey guess what Lora you got to page 1 in ten minutes. Then I did something weird, something beyond my normalness. I started making dinner. Nothing big just some savory pancakes. When my mom came home she almost had a heart attack and well my dad let's just say he didn't come home. My mom and I had dinner in silence. When we were done my mom have suggested have ordered that she'll clean the kitchen. On the one side I was relieved and on the other hand disappointed because I'd be left alone with my thoughts.

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