chapter1 he's the fire and I'm the water

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title: he's the fire I'm the water.

yo people I'm totro and this is my first book. you should know I couldn't proofread even if my life depended on it so sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or punctuation fails. I'm just warning you so continue with caution and enjoy.


I sat on my bed looking through my social media when a post caught my eye 'yo baby bro I hope you can throw a good party coz I'm coming home. you better look out bitches.'

That was posted by the devil him self Damien.

Terror filled my body. Why was he coming home. out off all people why not is hot older brother Kyle or his sister Ashly why him. oh yeah maybe I should explain right so Damien is the middle child of Jay and Lucy black. He has 2 brothers and 2 sisters, the youngest is his little brother Tyler he is one year beneath me and he is just a cute little cinnamon roll and hes a angle, then you have the devils twin sister Cloe, which may I add is the bitch of the school she has spent most of my life making me want to pull her blond hair out of her stupid, little head then you have Damien or as I call him Lucifer,he makes my life a misery with his pranks which most of the time ended with me in the hospital its so bad I'm now on first name bases with the nurses, my fav is oil she's sweet and a good nurses and finally you have Kyle and Ashly I don't know them to well because they both live in different country's so oh well, I know Kyle is hot though.

know back to the devil. I hate him because as I have said he makes me miserable with his 'pranks' he has bullied me for a while now because I quote "its something to pass the time." his ego is huge and he thinks of himself as a god like wtf. he was sent to this school for kids with bad behaver. it has been 3 years and know he is coming back I swear someone up there must have it in for me.

I plugged in my phone to charge and went to sleep scared for what tomorrow might hold.


the sound om my alarm filled the air I opened my eyes, sat up and turned of my alarm. I got out of bed and put on my clothes. a black hoodie, white plain top with a pair of black skinny jeans which has rips at the knees. I brushed my long brown hair and tied it in a ponytail, I grabbed my brown ankle boots and put them on

down the stairs and over to the fridge i was greeted by a note it read 'sorry June but me and your dad are going to be gone for the next 3 weeks see you soon mommy xoxo'

well amazeballs I'm alone for the first week of my last year of high school.

As i walked down the halls of hell I ran into the devil himself "wow short stuff you got hot while i was gone" he stoped an looked at my lips and leaned in then he turned his head and swore under his breath "joke how could you be hot" he leaned back and laughed started to laugh. i clenched my fists and felt my nails sink into my skin and a warm liquid touch my fingertips "well i see you learnt um nothing anyway nice talking Lucifer bye" i slipped into the bathroom and hid in a stall. looking at my hands i had cuts where my nails had entered my skin, i opened my bag and looked for some gloves. i found a pair of lether fingerless gloves. i sliped them on and headed to class.

I walked into my class and sat down and put my head on the desk "well look the freek" i know that voice why i lfted my head from the desk "you look like shit but then again thats not new" laughter filled the class "leave her alone" my saver i turned to the door there stood a girl with silk-soft long hair it was brown, her eyes was so green i was unreal, she was wearing a black leather jackit a blue top and black leggings with blue convers. butey. cloe just looked at her and then toom her seat on the other side of the room. butey took her seat next to me " hi bitch" i rolled my eyes in a playfull way and butey giggled "nothin why" she sook her head what have i done know "your one anoying hoe" she said a smile on her face "love you to prick." the teacher walked in "ok carm down and get ready for a hour of lerning." then the door swung open and the devil walked in and he walked over to me "hi babyboll" what did he call me. he picked me up and walked out of class

I was put down under the tree outside the school a smirk cover his face "why dont we finish were we left off."

hi ok let me explain somthin i forgot to put in but i cant be bothered to put in ok this takes pace in my world of the supernatural so you will bump into them and june is a girl born into the coner family so she does have a bit of supernatural power in her and she goes to a school for magic ok so know that is clear i can go k bye

958 words.

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