How you meet-Boys

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It was a beautiful Spring day and you decided to go walk your dog through the forest,while reading a book and listening to music through my earbuds.
Usually,your pupper is very obedient and you let her without the leash,but this time you noticed she started running at a stranger dressed in deep purple with striking amber eyes who seemed to be floating.At the same time,you noticed his unusual pet that matched his aesthetic coming over to you.
The little creature was not one you've ever seen before,but it was incredibly adorable,so taking off your earbuds and closing your book,you smile gently and pick up the pet and go to the stranger,who was also petting your dog.

You:Hello and I'm sorry for her behaviour.She isn't usually so affectionate with strangers,but it seems you are rather special.My name is (y/n),nice to meet you.
Malz:I am Malzahar,likewise.Apologise naught,she is fine.
You:May I ask about your pet?It's very adorable and unique,much like you,if you don't mind.
Malz:You wish to know of the Void?
You:I'm...not sure what that is,but sure.
Malz:It is a rather terrifying place,I would advise otherwise.Proceed with caution when faced with a Prophet of the Void.
You:Hmm...So you're saying you are a Seer or something?
Malz:That is correct.
You:*chuckles*I wonder how many times you've had people ask you to tell them their future.It seems to be quite popular nowadays.
Malz:Way too many times than I wish to remember,unfortunately.
You:Very well,then,I won't bother you with petty questions.On the other hand,Why don't you tell me of the books you like.We can exchange opinions and reviews.
Malz:That sounds intriguing,I shall comply.
You:Very well,then let us continue the walk through the forest and discuss.It's a gorgeous day,after all.
Malz:Indeed,it is.My voidlings have been in need of some fresh air,recently.
You:Oh,you have more of them?

With that,he did a spell on the ground,summoning 2 more cute little purple pets which also surrounded you,seeking attention.Grinning,you sit on the ground and play with them,which seemed to amuse the mysterious man greatly,but didn't protest in the slightest.
It seemed to him like a nice change of pace,despite everything that has been going on,and the inevitable coming of the Void,but for now,he was content enough to let his guard down against a mere mortal.


For some reason,your friends decided to put you up on a blind date and drag you against your will to the restaurant.Unbeknownst to either of you,the date was actually a major douchebag,That had you try to leave the place as subtly as possible,but it didn't work very well and therefore,you had to do the only other thing left-
Run to a place with more people so you could blend in.
Unfortunately,the restaurant seemed to be quite secluded,and there was no crowd to hide in.
Not being the athletic type,you could easily feel your lungs burn and your legs screaming for a pause,but you couldn't allow yourself to be faced with that harasser again.
On the other hand,a lucky star seemed to hear your pleas,for a rather tall man with a lean,muscular body,equipped with a katana at his waist,looking relaxed yet intimidating seemed to be walking through the park.
Getting in front of him and trying to catch your breathe,you frantically look around,trying to spot your attacker,while telling him the problem.

You:Hey,sorry to bother...*pant pant*Could you pretend to know me or something?*breathes*I've a jerk harassing me and all that.
Yasuo:I see.
Jerk:Hey,(y/n),wait up!Leaving me already?What a bitch!Your friend said you'd be nice!
You:Well,my friend didn't say that was supposed to be a date with other person than her.
Jerk:Who's that bastard next to you?!I'll beat him up if he dares to touch you!
You:Go away,jerk!He's my boyfriend,it's you who's unwelcomed here!
Jerk:Don't mess with me,you bitch!

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