Chapter 2

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A round door. My terrified mind spins in circles trying to grasp what it meant. Is that.... a hobbit door? How does it fit inside a rectangle bus door? Yet it was there. I do the only reasonable thing an raise a shaking hand to knock.

Bang, bang, bang. Three times and then silence. I stand with sweaty hands, afraid to look back because of what I might see. Afraid to try the door because of what might be behind it. Again I thought, why am I such a coward?

Just then I hear a lock slide and the door opens. The light of a summer day shines in and blinds me. I put a hand on the side of the bus to steady myself and as my eyes adjust I hear a deep, wise voice inform me that, "Ah, my young girl, you have arrived at last. We have been expecting you for quite some time."

I make out a grey hat and a long beard, before a smaller voice coming from behind the white blur shouts out, "Who? Who are we expecting? I was most certainly not expecting anyone."

Then a most peculiar little person walks up, and I can't believe it. If I wasn't so lightheaded and blind at the moment I would've thought it was a... hobbit. That's when I fainted.

When I woke up I was sitting in a small chair near a fireplace. At first I was confused and it took me a couple seconds to remember. Had I been dreaming?

Just then two people walked into the room I was sitting in. One was very tall with a long grey beard and matching robes. The other was the size of a child, but looked enough to be in his 30s. A midget? I looked again and see the large hairy feet. "Are you... A hobbit?" I stammer out.

"Most certainly. Frodo Baggins at your service." He says before turning to the man. "Now what is she doing in my house? She is not from anywhere around here. I know you came to talk to me about something important, but why did you bring a human girl?"

"All in good time. I'm sure she has lots of questions herself." The man said wisely.

"Yes! Who are you, where am I, and how in the blazes do I get here?! I don't even know what here is?" I say desperately.

"Now, I can answer all of those. I am Gandalf, a wizard, you are currently in Bag End, which is in the Shire, which is in Middle Earth. You got here through a portal, which was created by your wish and my magic. Tricky things, portals, but only a very skilled wizard can."

"Wait, Middle Earth? But that's a fantasy land. That's the land in the books I've read, Lord of the Rings! This isn't possible. Is this one of those movie gags where they get people to think they are in a movie and then laugh at them later?" I stand up and run into the next room before the two can react.

I hear Frodo, or the one who claims to be, say, "Really, her manners. and what is Lord of the Rings? And what are movies."

I run through into what I presume is the dining room. No cameras, no mics, it all looks real. I think to myself. Just then I notice the sun shining through a window. Outside. I break out running again, past the two strange men, who had followed me slower. "Now wait one second," the "hobbit" proclaims but the tall one, that is pretending to be Gandalf, stops him.

I run to the door and throw it open. I'm blinded by the light, but determined, i stepped forward. In front of me was the most stunning landscape I had ever seen. The smooth rolling hills blanketed in green backdropped a charming little village. The sounds of summer filled the air, and small children ran through the grass in the meadow. It was beautiful and peaceful and looked so real. I shake my head, and realize my hands are shaking. A hand settles on my shoulder and I whip around. "It might be best to come inside now, my dear young friend."

I walk in reluctantly, trying to speak, but all the words choked up in my throat. "This can't be real.... Is this a joke? How did I get to New Zealand?"

Gandalf laughs, and Frodo walks up concerned. "Where is New Zealand?" He asks curiously and I sigh, thinking of another plan to break up this joke.

"Carol, I have some explaining to do before anything happens. Come sit." He leads me into a small sitting room. "Maybe a cup of tea, Frodo?" He says, looking meaningfully at him. He nods and leaves quickly.

I finally accept my fate. This may yet prove to be a dream, but chances are slim. I sit on the small chair with my head in my hands. "If this is real..." I pause, unsure how to continue, "then why? Why am I here? If I am not at the wrong part of the story, aren't you about to go on an adventure?" I mumble out, grateful Frodo isn't in the room.

"Quite so, and you are to take part of it. Why else would you turn up right here at the beginning of all things?"

I shake my head. "But that's it! It's a story, a fantasy novel I've read multiply times. I know what happens! Not to mention I'm a small town girl from Colorado who has never even traveled outside of her state or... peed in the woods. I've never picked up a weapon, run away from goblins, seen an elf..." I trail off.

Gandalf is silent for a moment. "Yet you were brought here for a reason. All of this matters not. Bilbo Baggins, a name I'm sure you are familiar with, began in quite a similar situation. You shall go in this adventure, and yet you may find it turns out quite differently than your books."

   I look at him confused and concerned, but I nod. Until I woke up from this dream I would enjoy it while it lasted. Gandalf smiled warmly. "Good. Now, if you are to leave this safe house and come with me to Rivendell, there are rules you must follow. No one must know who you really are or where you really come from. You will now be named Lady Caroline Draelin and you have traveled for many months to hear about the ring bearer and a quest that was foretold. If anyone pries, you are from a kingdom as far north as you can go, called Erindil. If anything else is inquired of you, allow me to supply the information. We would rather arouse suspicion around me then you. It would not due to mess this up." He ends forcefully and I nod, slightly intimidated.

"Good, now, the hour is late, and we must leave before dawn tomorrow."

I look up, confused. "We? Frodo doesn't go to Rivendell with you." The words tumble out a little too loudly, before I can stop them.

"You are correct again. It is my charge to bring you to the Homely House safely before continuing my journey onward." "To Isengard" I blurt again and he nods nonchalantly.

I run a hand through my messy hair and stand to find Frodo, but Gandalf stops me. "Carol, it is a dangerous world you are in now, and few things are safe. This 'fortune telling' gift, as we might call it, is not to be mentioned. Not once." I am about to open my mouth to contradict but he interrupts me. "Not even to save another's life. Do you understand me?"

My mind leaps to all the disasters I could prevent but I nod quietly. I knew I was trusting Gandalf with my life, and however difficult it may be, I would hold my tongue.

Author: end of chapter 2! I'm so excited for this story, and extremely proud of it. Especially the fact that I wrote almost 1500 words in 2 days, because I loved the story.

I would like to add a slight disclaimer that I have only read the Lord of the Rings series twice, I have never read the Silmarillion and have seen the movies more times then I care to admit. So that means I am not a lord of the rings expert and nor do I claim to be. I am writing a fun story that follows, with a few unexpected twists and turns, the plot of Tolkien's novels. I am not him, and therefore, if I mess up his world or make mistakes while writing about his characters, I would love to learn more about it in comments, but would not love to get hate about it.

Anyway, that's about it. I'm supposed to be studying so I'll get to that, but I already have nearly 2 more chapters written and will try to publish regularly. Thank you for reading!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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