Chapter 1: Morning Routine

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Four wolves piled on top of each other all slept soundly, almost looking like cute puppies.

The first being Ras and being on the bottom of the pile. Ras had dark brown fur with a black tail tip and black ear tips. He had curved ears that had fur coming out of it. He had a normal sized snout with a black nose. He had closed light brown eyes with a bit of soft feathery fluff on top of his head.

The second wolf being next to Ras went by Stalin. He had gray fur with red eyes. He had a white chest and white tail tip as the inside of his ear was white as well. He had straight ears that were cropped upwards. He had sleek fur that had a short look to it. Stalin also had short swept to the side fur at the top of his head.

The third was on top of Ras and Stalin, but only by leaning to the oppisite direction of them, while Ras and Stalin were to the right direction, Putin was looking straight ahead with half closed eyes and a drooping look to them. He yawned. Putin had black fur which was spiky and straight as he had straight ears. He had orange eyes as he blinked them once before his brown nose wrinkled a bit. Putin had his fur coming from the bridge of begigging of his snout to the back of his head where it spiked backwards.

The last one was the one in front of Ras and Stalin on his back as he pawed the air in his sleep out of boredom. This was Vladimir who had long redish brown fur and had a mane from his shoulder to his the middle of his forehead. It was a darker red than his fur as it was more like a mohawk as it was spiked back from his forehead to his ear, but then spiked forward from his shoulder to his ears. Vladimir had ice blue eyes with a gray nose. His snout was longer than most, but not too long.

Putin let out a loud yawn which alerted Ras then Stalin and finally Vladimir who all responded in a yawn as well. Putin let his jaws smack together as he let his tongue roll around his teeth as he crawled off the two wolves he was sleeping on top of. Putin stretched as he then stiffened for a moment before relaxing and sitting down.

"Come on guys, morning announcements are in.." Putin said as he looked to the side to the window of the large ware house that most of the packed lived in, the leaders living on the top of all the creates."In about 5 minutes." Putin told the three sleepy leaders as Vladimir rolled to his side in an annoyed way,

"But like, do we have to?" Vladimir asked in a complaining tone as Ras got up slowly and shook his fur, shaking the dust out of his fur,

"Yes Vlad, now get up, the sooner we get it over with, the sooner we can relax again." Ras said in a serious tone jabbing the sleepy wolf in the shoulder as the redish wolf wriggled at the touch,

"Okay okay I am up." He complained as he slowly rose up and sat down in a tired position as he let out a large yawn, revealing large sharp teeth. The last one to wake was Stalin who had an annoyed face on him as his eyes were still closed,

"Vlad you wake him up." Putin said as he looked at Vladimir, as well did Ras,

"W-Why me, he'll slaughter me if I did." Vladimir said pointing to his chest with his paw in defense.

"Don't wimp out you baby." Ras taunted as Vladimir glared at him then went to lower his head by Stalin.

"Uh Stalin." Vladimir whispered softly as Stalin's ear twitched slightly as he opened one red eye,

"Hm yes Vladimir?" Stalin asked in a relaxed, but intimidating voice, always has and always has sounded intimidating.

"Uh it's time for announcements Stalin." Vladimir said calmly as Stalin slowly rose and let his head hang for a moment as he blinked his eyes then Stalin rose his head,

"Ok let's do this." Stalin said calmly, walking to the edge of the crates and looking down to the sleeping wolves. Some alone, some in large piles.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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