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Have a picture of my son, aka my cat, aka Bitty Kitty, General of the Army. He rules this whole Revolution. Call him by anything else and he'll bite you. You see those chompers? Don't test him. CHOMP CHOMP. (Yes my son's name is Itty Bitty Kitty. AND HE'LL CHOMP.)

OKAY. I NEED TO STOP JOKING. Here's a few questions and concerns I've been asked, and I'd like to bring them up publicly:

"Are you a hate band-wagon?"
-No! Absolutely not, but it's troubling not to come off as aggressive or "hateful" when you are dealing with a large company that does not listen to their people. Have you ever tried to contact Wattpad's Support? That's right, you can't.

"Why are you people making such a big deal about this?"
-It's not fair that I, and many others that have been on Wattpad for years, have to deal with this. It's also not fair to new people, and it's driving them away. We are doing this for the benefit of everyone.

"Why don't you just contact Wattpad's Support?"
-Like I briefly mentioned above: Wattpad's Support does not work, and if I ever did get ahold of someone other than a robot, or got to someplace other than answering questions that don't help, then I'm sure they would have to contact the higher in command about the issue, which seems unlikely.

"Is Wattpad slowing down the free networks to favor the premium?"
-Until we have hard evidence, I'll say this is just a theory, so no. Last night I was very hot-headed, and I acted like I had hard on proof this is happening, but I don't. They can do this though, and it wouldn't surprise me if they did.

"If you are unhappy with Wattpad, why don't you just go?"
-Easier said then done. I've been on Wattpad for years, and I don't want to just start all over from scratch.

"Why don't you just talk about this on your large account, @memes_love_poptarts instead of @cantslowusdown ?"
-I've tried, but my big account is hardly working, but I hope to get this on there as it's own book, so if you are reading this on my poptarts account: "HELLO THERE. I finally got something on Wattpad to work!" And if not then, *sad violin music.*

"What can I do to spread the word?"
-If you are even thinking about spreading the word, then let me take a moment to thank you. You can spread the word by using a hashtag like: #cantslowusdown or #fixwattpad, or something related to that. I would also appreciate if you spread it to fellow Wattpaders, (is that what we are called?) and spread it on different sites and Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or any other you can think of!

"What do I gain if I do help?" will have my thanks, friendship, and hopefully a fixed Wattpad in the future. Oh, that was cheesy.

"Why spread a hashtag?"
-Wattpad won't listen to us unless we have numbers, and a hashtag is the easiest way to show numbers. But you don't have to use the hashtag; just spreading the word that Wattpad is broken will help: kind of like how YouTube fixed (some) of their problems once people banded together to let them know if the issue. Wattpad brought this on themselves. CAN I GET A "VIVA LA REVOLUTION!"

"Why are you calling it a Revolution?"
-Because I can. Muhahahaha, and it was a joke, but some people take it seriously. It's just kind of a fun way for all of us, who want this, to band together. It's not a real Revolution, it was a tease.

"What do it do if I'm not for this 'Revolution'?"
-You don't have to do anything. I guess you can spread your thoughts, but I can't guarantee everyone will be understanding with it. I can't control people, so if they "hate" on you: don't blame me or the rest of us.

"What do I do if someone from the 'Revolution' is hating on me?"
-Hating can mean a lot of things. When I just started Wattpad; everything was a threat or "hate," but you just have to learn to suck it up. Not everyone is going to like you, but if you are getting death threats, and things like that: let me know! I don't want this to come to that. You can defend your views, just don't make serious threats, or bullying comments.

"I have an idea for the 'Revolution,' what can I do?"
-Tell me! I want all of your ideas, and let me know if you've spread the word! I'm not scary, and I want you guys to talk to me.

"Will you have generals and lieutenants/Will you have fun ways to rank us?"
-I love this idea! It's from my friend Loui! Now, I don't want to seem all big and in charge, but I think it would be pretty fun to be called General Poptarts of the Army. Yeah... that's a name that strikes fear. Now, I don't know how rankings work with the General, Admiral, Colonel, Lieutenant, etc., SO JUST CALL ME AND EVERYONE ELSE RESPECTABLE NAME. DONT START A WAR WHILE IM GONE.

"What if I want to be a specific role?"
-All jokes aside, I think it would be fun, and a good way to lighten the mood. You can be whatever you want, a spy, or anything else you want. We can role play a Revolution. IT'LL BE GREAT. Okay, now really all jokes aside, comment what rank you would like, or if you don't care, and I'll make a page on this of all your rankings. I've done some research and here some rankings in order from least powerful to most. The name really won't give you any special powers, it's just for fun:

-Lieutenant Colonel
-Brigadier General
-Major General
-Lieutenant General
-General of the Army

You can also be a spy, or something else related.

Comment below what you want to be called if you're actively going to be in this, and I'll put you in a page with your rank. Again: ranks are just to lighten the mood, they don't really mean anything. So if I'm a General, and you are a Lieutenant, and not going to boss you around, or force you to do anything, hahaha. Also if you want to go by a nickname, add that too. For example I could be called: General Poptarts, instead of General Memes_Love_Poptarts.

You don't have to remember everyone's rank, it's just for fun, and the next page will list then all of you really want to be formal.


I always have to say when I'm joking now, and it's kind of sad. I JUST WANT TO JOKE.

If you have anymore questions: comment below.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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