Sleepless Nights

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"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss

Dear Sleepless Nights, I come across your familiar presence one again

But tonight I am restless for my heart is beating and my lungs are breathing

And even though I sit in my alone writing this

There's one person on my mind and trust me when I say dreams don't come true

Because he is like no dream, no he is much better

Sleepless Nights, I know you have only seen me at my worst so this may come as a surprise seeing me this way

I feel like I'm glowing and at this moment I am the moon that illuminates the sky

Because I have found my stars in his eyes

Sleepless Nights, let us dance in our tango once again but this time I shall take lead

For I know what it is like to dance with happily now.

I'll stand straight and strong with the pose of a fighting lion

As we step together across this dark sky 

But unfortunately this will be our final dance

Because I'm sorry Sleepless Nights but I no longer will be sleep deprived 

And will now be slumbering peacefully with him in my dreams

So goodnight Sleepless Nights

I bid thee farewell

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