I'm a Lightspeed Ranger?!

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Ashley's Pov: My name is Ashley, Randall. I am or was the younger 10 year old sister of Chase Randall. (A/N: For this he doesn't have a sister named Chloe) He died yesterday at 6:30am on the way to Amber Beach high School (A/N: This is gonna be when she's still living in Amber Beach and then she'll move to Mariner Bay) *Flashback*  Chase: "Come on we're almost there." "I'm coming big brother! I'm coming!" I say running up to him. Chase looks out at the street as a little boy is rooted in the middle of the street in fear as a car is speeding towards him. Chase runs out to the boy. "CHASE NO DON'T! YOU'LL BE HURT!!" I say looking up at my older brother. Chase nods. "Better me than you." He says and hands me his skateboard and runs out into the street and gets the boy to safety. But he's NOT FAST ENOUGH to get out of the way of the oncoming car. 'CRASH!!' The car slams right into Chase's body really hard and knocks him back. "CHASE!" I yell and run out to him and hug his limp lifeless body crying. I pull away and run home and grab my bag full of my stuff and run away from Amber Beach.  *End of flashback* Days pass by and I'm now 17 years old. I got stronger, quicker, smarter as well as fearless. I even moved to a place called Mariner Bay and became a firefighter. It took me a long, long time but I'm the best female firefighter that Mariner Bay's ever had. I've just helped 600 people get out of a burning building and lean against the fire truck panting as my right arm is caked in blood but I don't notice. I see another firefighter walk up to me. "Hi. Carter Grayson." He says extending his hand out to me. I shake his hand. "Ashley, Randall." I say. He smiles and looks at my arm. "You're right arm is bleeding." He says pointing to my arm as I look down at it and frown. "Stay here, I'll grab someone." He says and runs off and returns with a female paramedic trailing behind him. I catch a glimpse of her and she looks like: http://www.nakspowerrangers.com/nakshtml/Charactors/Femminili/Rosa/Dana/DANA8.jpg which is very pretty as I look like this in the evening https://i.pinimg.com/originals/73/3a/b2/733ab2f531bac4e56e376d044aecb21c.jpg and this in mid day https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f2/aa/6f/f2aa6f16368ff2b71cf79af862ad34dc--kawaii-anime-girl-anime-girls.jpg.  (A/N:Dana is the paramedic). "It's okay, I'm just going to disinfect the cut and bandage it up." She says as I kind of get a glimpse of some needles. "Can you try to calm her down? I fear she just caught a glimpse of the n-e-e-d-l-e-s." She says. Carter nods and takes my hand gently running his thumb over it. "It's okay just look at me the entire time. I'm here for you." He says. I nod as Dana disinfects the cut . She looks at Carter and mouths 'I need to give her an antibiotics shot' as he nods as Dana injects me with the needle. I burrow my brows in fear and discomfort. Carter then makes a funny face causing me to start softly giggling. He snickers and keeps it up as Dana removes the needle, placing a cotton ball over the injection bandaging that and the cut up. I softly gasp upon feeling the bandage over the injection site. Carter sees this and brushes my hair from my eyes and kisses my cheek. "Hey that wasn't so bad now was it?" "N-no. It wasn't so bad." I softly say as I look up at him with cheeks tinted red. He smiles and grabs a red sponge and dips it into a bucket of soapy water and walks back to me as I pull of the protective cloth over my face revealing my dusty, ashy, sooty face. "Here let me help you wash your face." He says as I sit down and look up at him and close my eyes and mouth. Carter's Pov: I gently start washing Ashley's face getting rid of the ash, dust and soot covering her face. I take a small red towel from Dana and gently rub her face dry. "There all clean." I say and put the items away. " I have to go, but here's my number." I say putting my number into her phone as she does the same with my phone. Unknown Pov: After Ashley and Carter both exchange numbers she decides to head home for a nap. She walks into her bedroom and changes to her pajamas https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1C8LaaMoQMeJjy0Fnq6z8gFXaB/Neue-Superheld-Spiderman-Homecoming-Pyjamas-Adult-Cartoon-Flash-mann-Overall-Pajams-Deadpool-Pyjamas.jpg (A/N: Imagine it as Carter's Red Ranger suit. Google just HATES ME.) Ashley's Pov: As soon as I lay down on my bed, I hear my cellphone ring. I look down hearing the the beginning of Omi's Hula Hoop and pick up. "Hello?" I say into my phone. "Hi this is Carter, is this Ashley?" "Yes, yes it's me." I say smiling like an idiot. I can't believe that Carter Grayson is calling ME!! "I was calling to make sure you got home okay?" He says as I smile softly thinking about how caring he is. "Yes I made it home alright. Thanks for being concerned Carter." "No problem Ashley. It's the least I could do since you helped 600 people out of that burning building yesterday." He says as I blush while talking to him. "I gotta go Carter. I'll call go later?" I say. Carter's Pov: "Actually there's who wants to talk to you. At 4:15 pm come to the fountain in the center of Mariner Bay. I've already texted you the coordinates." I say as I text her. (A/N: The place is https://a2-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/2/317a4835f5f24c899b54433af0f3e6c7/600x600.jpg IGNORE DANA AND CARTER. GOOGLE HAD THEM IN THE PICTURE) "Okay thanks Carter." I hear Ashley say as she hangs up. "Welcome." I say hanging up. Unknown Pov: After Carter and Ashley hang up they both get ready to meet each other. Ashley walks up towards the fountain and sees Carter leaning against the Lightspeed Rescue Rover smiling. "Well lookie here. A lil stranger has come to meet me here." He says laughing. Ashley blushes laughing. "Funny. Anyway where are we going?" She asks Carter smiling softly. 

(Hi SummerHilt This's all I have so far. Is it good or no?)

Recruited as a Lightspeed Power Ranger?!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon